Ubbo Emmius Clinic Aurich

Name :

Ubbo Emmius Clinic Aurich

Address  :

Ostfriesisches hospital
Academic Teaching Hospital of the
Hannover Medical School
Wallinghausener street 8-12,Aurich

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Fax  :

04941/94 1098

Web URL  :

  • Anaesthesiology
  • General Surgeon
  • Internal Medicine
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Oncologist
  • Orthopedics

Total Number Of Beds : 2

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray


Since 01041952 there is the district hospital Aurich the predecessor of the Ubbo Emmius Clinic in Aurich The operation was initially held in barracks on the site in Sandhorst so the clinic is located at the present location since 1969 on the road Wallinghausener in Aurich During this time the house under the auspices of the district Aurich Ostfriesland in the center of a modern and efficient hospital for the people has developed in the region As the basic and standard hospital care it covers a wide range of medical services Furthermore in many departments priorities were formed In recent years have become increasingly specialized practices and other healthcare providers located on the hospital grounds

The district council of the district Aurich has decided to merge the two county hospitals north and Aurich 01012004 For the merged district hospitals north and Aurich was a commission finding of todays clinic name quotUbbo Emmius Clinic East Friesian Hospitalquot and endorsed by the county council confirmed

Another county council decision resulted from the thenUbbo Emmius Clinic 01012005 legal in the autonomy As a nonprofit company with limited liability is the presentday clinic name quotUbbo Emmius Clinic gGmbH Ostfriesisches hospitalquot
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