Tropical Hospital-Paul Lechler Hospital Tubingen

Name :

Tropical Hospital-Paul Lechler Hospital Tubingen

Address  :

Paul-Lechler-Straße 24

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Phone  :

49 0 7071 206 0

Fax  :

49 0 7071 22 359

Web URL  :

  • Internal Medicine
  • Pain Management

Total Number Of Beds : 90


Our hospital was founded in 1916 and is the second oldest hospital in tropical and travel medicine in Germany

The Tropical Medicine is being offered primarily in the outpatient clinic In the stationary sector plays a minor role in tropical medicine Here the internist treating elderly and geriatric patients is paramount

For our patients we maintain a total of 90 beds This includes the six seats of our palliative treatment focus

Every year we treat approximately 2600 inpatients and 2500 outpatients
Our clinic employs including all fulltime employees parttime employees Diakonisches helpers federal volunteer service providers and temps about 200 people who care in a variety of functions for the welfare of our patients


Tradition and competence

Tropical HospitalPaul Lechler Hospital The name of our clinic back to the Stuttgart businessman Paul Lechler 1849 1925 As a socially committed Protestant Paul Lechler set a variety of his talents and financial resources for the needy A special concern was to him the Christian world health work

With the founding of the German Institute for Medical Mission in 1906 the later hospital carrier the following goals were the concerns of the medical mission in Germany to make known and promote to support overseasworking health workers and missionaries and medical personnel in the Tropical Medicine to train


On his initiative and his support was in 1906 the Difaumlm founded German Institute for Medical Mission Association still support the tropics PaulLechler Clinic Hospital in Tuumlbingen


The growing number of sick tropical returnees led again with major support from Paul Lechler establishing the quottropical convalescence homequot which opened in 1916 at the height of Tuumlbingen Eberhard and soon became the central institution of Tropical Medicine was


For the first time as quotin need restquot taken from the area of amp8203amp8203Tuebingen In subsequent years the general internist and medical care became increasingly important


The medical management took an internist and specialist in tropical medicine Both areas characterized the work of later years In 1959 the conversion to a 100bed hospital was completed In the years after that came the development of tropical medicine clinic


Since In 1979 the clinic sees a specialist hospital for tropical medicine internal medicine and geriatric medicine geriatrics The palliative care ie the treatment of critically ill patients and their accompanying pain until death became another special area


The clinic is a member of the Geriatric Center at the University of Tuumlbingen The interdisciplinary team the treatment of geriatric patients through physical occupational and music therapy speech therapy psychology and social care and counseling is completed competently


As a competence center for geriatric medicine the clinic is a member of the Association of Geriatrics and developing as a respected institution in the district of Tuumlbingen in an acute hospital for internal medicine with an emphasis on geriatric medicine palliative care and pain management


The hospital now has all the diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities that are necessary for comprehensive care and attention A special role is played by the geriatric fruumlhrehabilitative complex treatment in the treatment of older people
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