Stadtklinik Werdohl

Name :

Stadtklinik Werdohl

Address  :

Schulstraße 25

Town  :


State  :

North RhineWestphalia

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

0 23 92 / 57 0

Fax  :

0 23 92 / 57 357

Web URL  :


Mit ihrem Angebot von Gesundheitsdienstleistungen und ca 200 Beschaumlftigten leistet die Stadtklinik Werdohl einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Sicherstellung der Gesundheitsvorsorge in Werdohl und Umgebung Rund um das KrankenhausKerngeschaumlft ist ein umfangreiches Spektrum an komplementaumlren Leistungen entstanden Die Klinik ist Bestandteil der Maumlrkische Kliniken GmbH
Bionic eye gives sight to the blind

For the first time ever reallife trials have shown that sight can be restored to the totally blind thanks to an electronic retina Chris James and Robin Millar were both able to detect light immediately after their operations and are now beginning to regain useful vision Their operations were carried out at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Tru... Read More

Jaslok Chief Saves Lives On Marine Drive

Routine early morning walk on Marine Drive took an unexpected turn on Sunday And his presence of mind helped save two of three seriously injured children The director general of Jaslok Hospital Peddar Road was taking his walk when he heard a loud thud He turned and found that a speeding motorcyclist had mowed down three children sleeping on the pav... Read More