Stadtisches Klinikum Karlsruhe

Name :

Stadtisches Klinikum Karlsruhe

Address  :

Moltkestraße 90

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Phone  :

0721 9740

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The Municipal Hospital Karlsruhe is the largest hospital in the region of the Middle Upper Rhine It is in the hospital requirement plan of the State of BadenWuerttemberg reported as a center of maximum supply for the region quotMiddle Upper Rhinequot and the teaching hospital of the University of Freiburg

365 days around the clock and make sure more than 4000 skilled employees to care for patients Per year are treated at the Municipal Hospital of approximately 60000 inpatients and 162 000 outpatients For inpatient care are more than 1500 planned beds

With 22 medical departments 4 banks a blood donation center a central emergency department of a childrens emergency room and the citizens of the city of Karlsruhe and the region is a wide range of healthcare services available

Virtually all medical specialties and disciplines are represented here For heart surgery there is close cooperation with the neighboring hospital for heart surgery Karlsruhe GmbH

The medical care required of 2010 operating expenses of 270 million euros of which about 1805 million for personnel costs The services were provided by 4159 employees 3132 full time employees Of these 485 fulltime employees in the health service 1068 fulltime staff in the care and service function and 463 fulltime employees in the medicaltechnical services were working

With about 500 training places is one of the Klinikum Karlsruhe one of the largest training companies in the region

We thank all patients for the trust placed in us and our employees because it carefully and considerately turned to the welfare and recovery of our patients have in mind Our thanks for a good collaboration extends to all referring physicians and the cooperating hospitals


The Hospital of Karlsruhe is in many ways part of the urban community The Karlsruhe citizens are not only coowner of the clinic they can also be patients or staff or patients and staff Therefore they expect to be right by the hospital that deliverers equally good medical benefits an employer is good and should manage well Founded on these considerations guiding principle is equally endpoint as a starting point the everyday work in the hospital endpoint because these ideas have evolved over the years in the workforce of the hospital and are anchored broad and firm starting point and compass because the adjustment between the subgoals must always be made new This model was first formulated in 2001 and in 2008 adapted an editorial It is like everything in a hospital and develop further with us

Patient satisfaction

Patient satisfaction as well as the expertise of all our employees are the benchmark for the quality of our services

Patient satisfaction and cost consciousness are not mutually exclusive We take on the competition and the economy are required We constantly improve our structures and processes to provide our patients and our customers satisfied Our potential for improvement we tap into professional crossgroup teams and targeted staff development We use the options available to us economically and environmentally conscious without neglecting the welfare of patients
Employee Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction and employee satisfaction are for us inseparable The hospital needs qualified and friendly staff They form the foundation in building a modern medical services holding company An internal hospital culture that is characterized by open communication mutual respect and appreciation is the prerequisite for our trusting and cooperative teamwork The equality between women and men and reducing occupational grouporiented barriers are important to us How we treat each other as we experience the patients Use and enjoyment of the work to be funded through a cooperative management style

The hospital is getting better The enhancement of our services ensuring our high medical standards to improve the spatial features the security of our patients are equally important to us We achieve this through a comprehensive quality management The hospital is a competent reliable and innovative partner in health care The search for new forms of cooperation for us is an ongoing task Through education training and education we hold ourselves and our young clinic

Karlsruhe 30th June 2008 Board Meeting and Clinic
Ambulance staff can speed up stroke treatment

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