Stadtisches Klinikum Brandenburg

Name :

Stadtisches Klinikum Brandenburg

Address  :

29 High Street

Town  :

Brandenburg an der Havel

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

0 33 81 41 10

Fax  :

0 33 81 41 30 00

Web URL  :

  • Anaesthesiology
  • ENT
  • General Surgeon
  • Internal Medicine
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Urology
  • Vascular Surgeon

Total Number Of Beds : 466


the City Hospital Brandenburg

On 1 July 1901 was handed over to the Municipal Hospital at Marienberg the public Forging designed by the Berlin head of planning the hospital as a red brick built in the style of the North German neoRenaissance and had 150 beds initially

With the advances in medicine and the growing population in the city of Brandenburg were always result in extensions necessary 1927 was built east of the hospital building and a twolight in the years 1937 to 1939 an administration building and the garden shed quotGrey Housequot erected

After the 2nd World War II was responsible for the Municipal Hospital with the quotduties of a specialized medical care for a larger areaquot and was named the district hospital In the same year in office in Kirchmoumlser the clinics for orthopedics eye and ENT built

At the time of the District Hospital 1970 Childrens House bed and 1975 the building was constructed for laboratory medicine in other buildings The mideighties was the district hospital has 1000 beds

After the reunion came to the district hospital which has been called since 1992 quotBrandenburg Municipal Hospitalquot and in 1997 was registered as a limited liability company in the commercial register to huge restructuring tasks Since 1990 extensive modernization measures could be carried out and the most modern medical equipment to be provided such as MRI and left heart catheter measurement In 1994 the ENT in the High Street and the Department of Neurosurgery was founded The Hospital of the qualified standard care the new classification was given a helicopter site with the completion of the first Construction phase in 2002 was directly connected

In 2002 the newly built West be taken as the first new phase in operation with a surgical department with 10 rooms a maternity department with neighboring neonatology a new 18bed intensive care an emergency department the departments of radiology and pathology a new functional complex for both interior clinics cardiology endoscopy etc a central sterilization and three new wards

The field office in Kirchmoumlser could be the relocation of clinics for ophthalmology and orthopedics in the High Street taken out of service in 2003

A second phase of construction includes the construction of a nursing home bed Construction began in 2008 and commissioning is scheduled for August 2011
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