Stadtischen Klinikum Gutersloh

Name :

Stadtischen Klinikum Gutersloh

Address  :

Reck Berger Straße 19

Town  :


State  :

North RhineWestphalia

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

05241 83 00

Fax  :

05241 83 29083

Web URL  :

Hospitals operating too often to make a profit

One must increasingly watch out that one doesnt come under the knife said WulfDietrich Leber hospital expert for the association of statutory insurers He said the rise in knee hip and spinal operations would seem to overstep what was medically sensible The insurers say the growth in serious operations which are not medically necessarily was... Read More

Expat guide to Switzerland health care

No ome wants a medical operation save the attentionseeker with Munchausens syndrome But if you need one Switzerland is as good a place as any Provided you arent paying Switzerlands carefully burnished image of high quality alongside high cost is well preserved within medicine Its hospitals and primary care are first class while overall expenditure... Read More