St.-Marien-Hospital Bonn

Name :

St.-Marien-Hospital Bonn

Address  :

Robert-Koch-Straße 1

Town  :

Bonn Venusberg

State  :

North RhineWestphalia

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

49 228 / 505 0

Fax  :

49 228 / 505 2020

Web URL  :


Das StMarienHospital ist ein modernes freigemeinnuumltziges Krankenhaus in Traumlgerschaft der Gesellschaft der Franziskanerinnen zu Olpe GFO Unsere Klinik mit 369 Betten zeichnet sich durch religioumlse Praumlgung und Weltoffenheit sowie Tradition und Fortschritt aus Dies charakterisiert auch unser Denken und Handeln Das Haus ist nach KTQ zertifiziert
Hope for those who cannot see

I read the report Eye implants restore vision to blind patients May 5 with great interest The Germans and the Americans have done it successfully Now it is the turn of the British I wonder if Singapore would ever carry out the same clinical trials that I firmly believe would benefit those who need it In Singapore many successful cochlear impl... Read More

People With Alzheimers Disease and Related Dementias Speak Out

quotI want to do as much as I can before this thing cuts me offquot quotThis thingquot is Vascular Dementia a form of dementia resulting from a single or multiple strokes Cynthia Williams wants you to know what its like to live with dementia quotI want people to know how humiliating it is to be treated like someone who has something so terrib... Read More