Marienhospital Bruhl GmbH

Name :

Marienhospital Bruhl GmbH

Address  :

Mühlenstraße 21-25

Town  :


State  :

North RhineWestphalia

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

02232 74 0

Fax  :

02232 74 392

Web URL  :

Marienhospital Bruhl GmbH
  • Gastro-enterology
  • General Surgeon
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Oncologist
  • Pulmonology
  • Vascular Surgeon


Das Marienhospital Bruumlhl ist ein modernes und leistungsfaumlhiges katholisches Krankenhaus der Regelversorgung im Verbund der Gesellschaft der Franziskanerinnen zu Olpe mbH GFO Wir versorgen 8000 stationaumlre und 15000 ambulante Patienten jaumlhrlich Bruumlhl liegt naturnah und verkehrsguumlnstig zwischen Koumlln und Bonn FachabteilungenInnere Medizin I Herz Gefaumlszlige Kreislauf
Hospitals operating too often to make a profit

One must increasingly watch out that one doesnt come under the knife said WulfDietrich Leber hospital expert for the association of statutory insurers He said the rise in knee hip and spinal operations would seem to overstep what was medically sensible The insurers say the growth in serious operations which are not medically necessarily was... Read More

Government to invest 250 million dollars in KorleBu Hospital

Vice President John Dramani Mahama has said that Government would spend 250 million dollars on the recapitalization of the KorleBu Teaching Hospital He said a chunk of the money would be used in acquiring medical tools and equipment to make the hospital more functional The Vice President announced these at a ceremony for the commencement of w... Read More