Landkreis Passau Krankenhaus


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Landkreis Passau Krankenhaus

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Roseggerstraße 1

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0 85 41 / 96 15 0

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Preoperative Statins Found to Reduce AF and Length of Stay But Not Mortality

In a systematic review published in the Cochrane Library investigators at the University of Cologne in Germany analyzed data from 11 trials that tested the effects of preoperative statins in 984 patients undergoing heart surgery Preoperative administration of statins reduced the risk of developing atrial fibrillation AF and shortened the length of ... Read More

Concerns in UK over feeding tube diet

Dieticians have warned of the dangers of losing weight with a starvation diet available in Britain for the first time The British Dietetic Association BDA says there are huge risks to the diet in which people are given just 130 calories a day through a feeding tube that goes up their nose and down to their stomach The 10day regime forces the ... Read More