Kreiskrankenhaus Delitzsch GmbH


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Kreiskrankenhaus Delitzsch GmbH

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Dubener Straße 3

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034202 767 0

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861 The establishment

How can you learn from the Chronicle Delitzsch in 1861 after demand by the city council and city physician Dr Laue the establishment of an urban poor and the hospital at Shepherd ditch Bitterfeld street corner

This however did not meet the requirements for proper medical care for sick citizens of the city making it in 1894 the groundbreaking ceremony for a new hospital with 60 beds came In October 1895 the new building was opened without any special celebration

For the first hospital personnel were the hospital physician Dr Laue the two sisters Mary and Helen Kopaczek Krause who came from the Deaconess House in Halberstadt a hospital attendant 23 and a house maid who worked simultaneously as a heater The following physicians were Dr Weber and Dr crown since 1913

The doctors were employed only parttime with the care of patients assigned

Also at this time the hospital was still a poor house as only poor people were treated During the First World War there was a shortage of food making the Christmas of patient care only by donations from the general population was possible

1927 Takeover by Dr Zaar
Dr Zaar took over in 1927 as the first fulltime city physician medical director of the clinic
In 1930 they finally reached an expansion and modernization of the house Thus the number of beds increased to 85 Subsequent plans for an extension has been repeatedly delayed and finally abandoned Even before the outbreak of the Second World War the use of the hospital was contractually agreed as a hospital

1949 Opening of the Department
In 1949 the opening of the clinic which was expanded in the following years Territorial changes led to the dissolution of the provincial governments and the formation of circles with it so the clinic was given the status of a district hospital After initially was only an administrative unification of the modern clinic with the district hospital it was then 1954 the merger in the medical sector
With the founding of the GDR the house began to change year to year for example with the construction of an Xwing

1991 Increasing numbers of patients
Since 1991 there is a steadily increasing number of patients so that adapted itself accordingly the number of beds With the merger of the districts of Delitzsch and Eilenburg 1994 the county hospital authority

After the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the hospital on 1 Delitzsch October 1995 started in 1996 further building work to expand the house which was completed in 1999 with the official opening

Geschichte02 Extensive renovations to the building in the green road and the old main house from 2005 to 2008 led to a now bright and airy and equipped with advanced medical hospital
Hope for those who cannot see

I read the report Eye implants restore vision to blind patients May 5 with great interest The Germans and the Americans have done it successfully Now it is the turn of the British I wonder if Singapore would ever carry out the same clinical trials that I firmly believe would benefit those who need it In Singapore many successful cochlear impl... Read More

Not all ICUs need a specialist at night study

The results published in the New England Journal of Medicine counter an argument from some in the medical community that ICUs need roundtheclock intensivists doctors who specialize in critical care quotOur knee jerk reaction is to try to put intensivists in every ICU at all hours of the day and that reaction is likely a misstep because it overs... Read More