Kreiskrankenhaus Anhalt Zerbst


Name :

Kreiskrankenhaus Anhalt Zerbst

Address  :

Friedrich-Naumann-Straße 53

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Post Code:


Phone  :

03923 739 0

Fax  :

03923 739 299

Web URL  :


Das Krankenhaus AnhaltZerbst gehoumlrt seit dem 1 Januar 2010 zur RHOumlNKLINIKUM AG Das Haus ist eine klinische Einrichtung der Basisversorgung Es werden hier im Jahr ca 7900 Patienten stationaumlr und noch einmal in etwa ebenso viele Patienten ambulant versorgt Es verfuumlgt uumlber einen modern ausgestatteten Funktionstrakt und ansprechende Patientenzimmer mit ca 200 Betten
Hospitals operating too often to make a profit

One must increasingly watch out that one doesnt come under the knife said WulfDietrich Leber hospital expert for the association of statutory insurers He said the rise in knee hip and spinal operations would seem to overstep what was medically sensible The insurers say the growth in serious operations which are not medically necessarily was... Read More

80 healthcare professionals attend Metabolic Dieticians Workshop

Out of nearly 160000 babies screened at Hamad Medical Corporation HMC for metabolic disorders in the last nine years about 270 babies have tested positive a leading neonatal expert said Professor George Hoffmann chairman of paediatrics at Heidelberg University Hospital Germany was speaking at the Second Middle East Metabolic Dieticians Workshop h... Read More