Krankenhaus Lindenbrunn

Name :

Krankenhaus Lindenbrunn

Address  :

Lindenbrunn 1

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

05156 782 0

Fax  :

05156 / 782 155

Web URL  :

  • General Surgeon
  • Neurologist

Total Number Of Beds : 200


Die medizinische Versorgung im Krankenhaus Lindenbrunn erfolgt in den Fachdisziplinen Geriatrie und Neurologie mit einer Gesamtkapazitaumlt von 200 Betten Wir behandeln ca 3000 Patienten pro Jahr Das Krankenhaus Lindenbrunn verfuumlgt uumlber eine moderne Ausstattung gleich einem Krankenhaus der Regelversorgung Insgesamt stehen uumlber 400 Mitarbeiter fuumlr ihre Betreuung zur Verfuumlgung
Ambulance staff can speed up stroke treatment

Treating stroke in specialised ambulances en route to hospital is feasible and could boost the number of patients who receive lifesaving therapy experts believe Mobile stroke units can halve the time it takes a patient to get clotbusting drugs a small German trial found The drugs only work if given within four and a half hours of stroke onset... Read More

We thought it was just stress burnout

He wasnt remembering deadlines and appointments at work He was also making a lot of mistakes At home he was totally exhausted He would just tune out read the newspaper watch television and not talk very much Nona says quotWe thought it was just stress burnoutquot But Mike was actually showing signs of memory loss difficulty performing tasks m... Read More