Krankenhaus Hohe Warte Bayreuth


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Krankenhaus Hohe Warte Bayreuth

Address  :

Preuschwitzer Str. 101

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Phone  :

0921 400 00

Fax  :

0921 400 2009

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Hope for those who cannot see

I read the report Eye implants restore vision to blind patients May 5 with great interest The Germans and the Americans have done it successfully Now it is the turn of the British I wonder if Singapore would ever carry out the same clinical trials that I firmly believe would benefit those who need it In Singapore many successful cochlear impl... Read More

Canada to get blueprint for mentalhealth strategy

OTTAWACanada is about to get its firstever national mental health strategy a massive report that may persuade Prime Minister Stephen Harper that his government must return Ottawa to a lead role on health care On Tuesday after five years of research consultations with thousands of people modelling forecasting and much agonizing the Mental Health C... Read More