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Die Website des KplusVerbundes hat 2012 das imedONZertifikat einer patientenfreundlichen Website erhalten Dieses Zertifikat wird durch die Initiative Medizin Online verliehen und weist nachdass die Website die Kriterien einer patientenfreundlichen Website erfuumlllt
Regular jogging increases life expectancy

Between 60 and 90 minutes of jogging per week at a slow or average pace delivers optimum benefits for longevity researchers in Germany found Peter Schnohr chief cardiologist of the Copenhagen City Heart Study at Bispebjerg University Hospital Copenhagen said in the jogging substudy the mortality of 1116 male joggers and 762 female joggers was co... Read More

Jaslok Chief Saves Lives On Marine Drive

Routine early morning walk on Marine Drive took an unexpected turn on Sunday And his presence of mind helped save two of three seriously injured children The director general of Jaslok Hospital Peddar Road was taking his walk when he heard a loud thud He turned and found that a speeding motorcyclist had mowed down three children sleeping on the pav... Read More