Klinikum Harlaching

Name :

Klinikum Harlaching

Address  :

Sanatoriumsplatz 2

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

089 6210 0

Fax  :

089 6210 2442

Web URL  :

  • Anaesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • Gastro-enterology
  • General Surgeon
  • Immunology
  • Neurologist
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Pulmonology
  • Urology
  • Vascular Surgeon

Total Number Of Beds : 749

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray


Als Akutkrankenhaus der Maximalversorgung das bedeutet medizinische Versorgung auf houmlchstem Niveau Nothilfe rund um die Uhr traumlgt das akademische Lehrkrankenhaus der LudwigMaximiliansUniversitaumlt maszliggeblich zur medizinischen Versorgung der Menschen im Muumlnchner Suumlden bei

In enger Zusammenarbeit mit den vollstationaumlren Abteilungen bieten wir Ihnen in einigen Faumlchern die teilstationaumlre Versorgung in Tageskliniken an sodass eine optimale Vernetzung zum ambulanten Behandlungssektor ermoumlglicht wird


Third December
The board of directors of the municipal hospitals commerce Friedrich Seyboth taught at community colleges the following motion

quotIt may create a sanatorium for sufferers easier as poor blood tuberculosis stomach sick and the like and indeed on the Oekonomiegute Stadelheim located on the hard wood the earliest opportunity to be decidedquot

The new building was on the one hand and bring in the first place those impecunious patient a charity the recovery was at the hospital in need of openair treatment less promising on the other hand the city should have the chance to help their hospitals extensively and for a considerable time to come
This application was approved the plans for the property Stadelheim began


16th December
A foundation of the Munich citizen Ing J Heilmann soon brought a change in the plans He offered the magistrate to a land of 9466 hectares between Harlaching Menterschwaige and for the edification of a sanatorium Free of charge without any conditions but with the desire to consideration of its workers in the event of illness This place in the immediate vicinity of the forest lent itself much better than the originally envisaged on the estate grounds Stadelheim

1896 8th January

The magistrate accepted this generous gift and decided to take a preMarinated Stadtbauamt the new project at a cost of 910 000 marks

The project was based on a complete separation of the sick room of the economic and administrative offices and it saw a momentary slip capacity for 204 patients with a possibility of extension and considered all modern sanitary requirements

15th September
Start of construction Already during the construction turned out that the project was planned to be small

28th December

To provide sufficient space for the openair treatment His Royal Highness Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria presented by the Royal A 1788acre parcel Hofjagdintendanz the adjacent state forest in a contract free of charge


30th June

Unanimous decision to become necessary changes during the construction of houses stables the heating bathrooms etc


12th October

The organization of the institution was established and also the agreement with the Sisters of Charity for the care of patients the number of operating personnel service instructions and the operating budget for the part in 1899

4th November

The sanatorium was inaugurated
quotIt has created a humanitarian institution that is unique in its kind and quickly find the part of the German sister cities successor will Sanatorium Harlaching is neither a hospital in the usual sense nor a rural recreational or Reconvalescentenanstalt it is rather a combination of both It represents an attempt to take advantage of the rural sanatoria with the healing elements of a wellequipped hospital to unite and make it in this way the sick poor the great benefits that were previously in the Privatsanatorien only the wealthy accessible quot Councillor Dr Ziemssen in a joint session of architectural commissions

A great advantage of the sanatorium to a fully equipped hospital was the cheapness of the construction and operation Overall the total cost amounted to build on 1642 021 Mark

15th November

His Royal Highness Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria and visited the new building was full of praise

22nd November

The first female and male wards with the early stages of tuberculosis and chronic mild disease were included There were initially 212 patients are housed

Hardly the modern and expensive construction was completed has been suggested improvements and enhancements and advanced The new house was the best possible support from the City Council and has developed very well


Estimated the citizenship soon not only as a progressive sanatorium but also because of the many activities that the house because of the heavenly position in a popular recreation area were possible Highlighted here are only the agricultural and horticultural uses the game reserve the meteorological station and especially the birds about which there are many records to scientific field trips

The sanatorium was Harlaching very highly rated beyond Munich For the sophisticated architectural design good organization and medical treatment the house was at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900 a grand prize and a diploma at the World Exposition in St Louis


In the sanatorium Harlaching only female pupils were treated the male came to the future public sanatorium Planegg This brought manifold benefits for the organization and increasing occupancy of the establishment


Opening of tram line 25 to green forest the sanatorium was now good for patients and visitors to reach


The community health insurance to the city of Munich became the first January 1914 in the general local health insurance company taken over the city of Munich which had its own medical facilities The admissions for their patients Harlaching were abolished During the First World War could now be relieved by laying of light from the citys hospitals the hospital houses one hand on the other hand were free beds for the accommodation of sick and wounded soldiers


For minor surgery an operation room was established


The sanatorium is moved from the city to the tuberculosis hospital with surgical operation So now all stages of tuberculosis are treated With 187 beds it was now the smallest of the existing urban hospitals


After completion of the renovation of health facilities in one twoand four bed rooms and increasing the operating theater was renamed in late January 1938 the sanatorium hospital MunichHarlaching


During the Second World War the Munichbased population in need of hospital treatment was placed in a safe surrounding air The beds were thus freed to take up the free air raids kept at the expected casualties

The doctors at the hospital as a regular hospital Harlaching supervised the tuberculosis patients of the hospitals alternative monastery at Nannhofen Spielberg



The hospital Harlaching was the only hospital in Munich which has survived the Second World War without major damage


The continuing decline of TB disease the shortage of beds and the fact that the city operate with the hospital Kempfenhausen another TB hospital led to consideration of the supply Harlaching hospital to another use Since the building was worth saving she was included in the overall planning for the construction of a large modern hospital of course on the basis of a major overhaul and adaptation to modern medical knowledge


The new hospital is commissioned Harlaching It was at that time the most modern hospital in Germany


The Municipal Hospital Munich GmbH is founded

All urban hospitals in Munich go as municipal enterprises of the city of Munich in the form of a limited liability company under the auspices of the state capital Munich The Municipal Hospital Munich Harlaching subsequently known Harlaching Hospital
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