GRN Gesundheitszentren

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GRN Gesundheitszentren

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Bodelschwinghstraße 10

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49 0 6202 84 30

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49 0 6202 84 3249

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Bionic eye gives sight to the blind

For the first time ever reallife trials have shown that sight can be restored to the totally blind thanks to an electronic retina Chris James and Robin Millar were both able to detect light immediately after their operations and are now beginning to regain useful vision Their operations were carried out at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Tru... Read More

Third of diabetic patients are victims of medication errors that can cause dangerous blood glucose l

Almost one in three diabetic hospital patients are victims of medication errors that can cause dangerous blood glucose levels a report has found Hospitals in England and Wales made at least one mistake per inpatient in the treatment of 3700 diabetes sufferers in one week data showed During this period the affected patients succumbed to more than ... Read More