Evangelisches Krankenhaus Hubertus

Name :

Evangelisches Krankenhaus Hubertus

Address  :

Spanische Allee
10 - 14

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

030 81008 0

Fax  :

030 81008 333

Web URL  :

  • Anaesthesiology
  • General Surgeon
  • Internal Medicine
  • Orthopedics
  • Vascular Surgeon

Total Number Of Beds : 210


wir begruumlszligen Sie auf unserer Internetseite und moumlchten Ihnen kurz unsere Klinik vorstellen Wir sind ein evangelisches Krankenhaus mit 210 Betten
Hope for those who cannot see

I read the report Eye implants restore vision to blind patients May 5 with great interest The Germans and the Americans have done it successfully Now it is the turn of the British I wonder if Singapore would ever carry out the same clinical trials that I firmly believe would benefit those who need it In Singapore many successful cochlear impl... Read More

Not all ICUs need a specialist at night study

The results published in the New England Journal of Medicine counter an argument from some in the medical community that ICUs need roundtheclock intensivists doctors who specialize in critical care quotOur knee jerk reaction is to try to put intensivists in every ICU at all hours of the day and that reaction is likely a misstep because it overs... Read More