Yellowknife Health and Social Sevices Authority

Name :

Yellowknife Health and Social Sevices Authority

Address  :

Box 608
4702 Franklin Avenue

Town  :


State  :

Northwest Territories

Country  :


Post Code:

X1A 2N5

Phone  :

867 873 7276

Fax  :

867 920 7025

Web URL  :

Email  :


About Us
Yellowknife Health and Social Services Authority provides community health primary care and social services for the 19000 residents of Dettah Fort Resolution Lutsel Ke NDilo and Yellowknife We are committed to our organizational values as guiding principles for the way in which we provide our services

Organizational Values
Yellowknife Health and Social Services staff are the key to success We recognize the importance of treating each other fairly and with respect We will enhance these beliefs by building upon the following values

Helping Clients achieve their health and social goals is the key to longterm success We will listen to what they tell us respond quickly by providing new and constantlyimproved services and build relationships on trust respect and mutual understanding

We respect and rely on each other Fair treatment honesty in relationships and confidence in each other creates trust

We have a responsibility and an opportunity as individuals and as an organization to contribute to the community in which we live We protect public health and safety by being good stewards

We are committed to encouraging diversity in the workplace Men and women from different cultures and backgrounds enrich the organization for all We will practise equal opportunity in all hiring and promotions and will create an environment which enables all employees to reach their potential in pursuit of organization goals

We must maintain the ability to adapt to changing client needs and economic environments

Honesty and Integrity
We are honest with ourselves and others Our managers and employees always act with integrity and are guided by what is ethical and right for our clients Our goal is truth in all relationships

Strategic and cooperative relationships with nongovernment agencies other government organizations aboriginal organizations and suppliers produce benefits for all of us Helping our partners succeed and grow is central to our mission

Full participation cooperation and open communications lead to superior results We work together to achieve common goals for organizational success

Employee Wellness
We provide a safe health and desirable place to work where stability of employment is given priority Recognition for contributions and utilization of employees contributions promote job satisfaction

We support the continuing education of health and social service professionals clients families and the community
Surgery robot introduced at Ottawa Hospital

The Ottawa Hospital is welcoming the newest member of its surgical staff a robot that lets doctors remove mens prostates and repair faulty heart valves The hospital has already used the da Vinci Surgical System on 100 patients but only officially welcomed the robot on Friday quotWeve had great success with helping 100 prostate cancer and gyne... Read More

Do hospitals alone provide genuine healthcare

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