William OslerHealth Center- Brampton Civic Hospital


Name :

William OslerHealth Center- Brampton Civic Hospital

Address  :

2100 Bovaird Drive East

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Post Code:

L6R 3J7

Phone  :

905 494 2120

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William OslerHealth Center Brampton Civic Hospital


William Osler Health Centre opened its newest health facility to the public

Brampton Civic is an open accessible public hospital It provides the community with a modern facility advanced medical equipment and a comprehensive range of health services

Brampton Civic is revolutionary in more ways than one In addition to paving the way for advanced health care the hospital is the largest health care infrastructure project to be completed in Canada and is one of the first greenfield hospitals to be built this century

This new facility offers increased capacity providing improved access to safe and high quality health services for our communitys growing population Brampton Civic has more inpatient beds improved clinical programs for adults and children and many new services such as a critical care response team and cardiac catheterization suite Enhanced services include cancer and heart care as well as our regional centres for dialysis and paediatrics

Patients are more comfortable with larger more attractive rooms that are spacious enough to accommodate family members There are several pleasant spaces to walk eat and rest The hospital is designed to be very accessible with features such as wheelchair ramps wide hallways and doors and colours and textures that will help people move easily between departments

A building is just bricks and mortar without our people Our health care teams continue to work hard toward our mission of delivering safe and compassionate care and hope you will find this is reflected in your hospital experience

On behalf of the Board of Directors and our staff physicians and volunteers we are proud to introduce you to our dream and yours Brampton Civic Hospital

WOHC Mission

Safe and compassionate care

WOHC Vision

We will rank in the top quarter in four key performance areas
Customer Experience
Clinical Performance
Operational Effectiveness

WOHC Value Statement

quotHere for you caring for youquot


The 608 bed hospital was designed Parkin Architects Limited in joint venture with Adamson Associates Architects and built by a joint venture of Carillion and EllisDon1 The Brampton Civic Hospital is one of Canadas first public hospitals to be designed built financed and maintained under a privatepublic partnership It opened in 2007 and replaces the Peel Memorial Hospital which previously served Brampton and the surrounding area
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Not in the pink of health

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