Waterford Birth Centre, Hamilton


Name :

Waterford Birth Centre, Hamilton

Address  :

27 Tisdall Terrace
P O Box 8111

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Phone  :

07 839 0281

Fax  :

07 839 0284

Web URL  :


Waterford Birth Centre is a primary birth centre for low risk births offering a peaceful safe friendly environment for woman in the Waikato area to enjoy their birth experience and postnatal stay

It is located in Tisdall Terrace at the south end of Victoria Street Hamilton

Waterford has a quiet tranquil setting with views over the Waikato River Natural light and access to river walks complement the modern amenities provided

The Ministry of Health Waikato District Health Board pays for your Midwife and the Birth Centre services There are no room charges


Hamilton Birthing Ltd established River Ridge Birth Centre in leased premises in 1997 Waterford Birth Centre was established in October 2002 when the River Ridge Birth Centre lease expired

Over 45 LMC midwives have access agreements which allow them to bring clients to Waterford Birth Centre
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