Wainwright Health Centre


Name :

Wainwright Health Centre

Address  :

530 - 6 Avenue

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T9W 1R6

Phone  :

780 842 3324

Fax  :

780 842 4290

Web URL  :

Wainwright Health Centre


The Wainwright Health Centre offers services in emergency acute continuing respite and palliative care surgery obstetrics cardiac education and stress testing rehabilitation psychiatry XRay day support and more
New hospital planned for Diefenbaker Drive

The planned site for the citys new regional hospital was announced from the sixth floor solarium of the aging Moose Jaw Union Hospital on Friday afternoon The new facility expected to be completed in 2015 will be constructed on a 30acre site in Moose Jaws north end along Diefenbaker Drive just south of the TransCanada Highway Representatives from... Read More

Mothers milk and touch best for infants health

Becoming a mother can be both exhilarating and daunting Not just first time mothers but even those who have experienced the joy of motherhood earlier can go through a period of selfdoubt wondering whether she is doing the right thing to keep her newborn safe Doctors say two simple interventions exclusive breastfeeding and maximum skintoskin co... Read More