United Way of Canada - Centraide Canada

Name :

United Way of Canada - Centraide Canada

Address  :

404-56 Sparks Street

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Post Code:

K1P 5A9

Phone  :

800 267 8221

Fax  :

613 236 3087

Web URL  :

Email  :


A Movement for change
Every day Canadas 117 United Ways Centraides UWCs work locally to change living conditions for the better The issues they face may vary but the values and purpose that drive them are the same to strengthen their communities and improve quality of life for Canadians

Each of Canadas 117 United Ways Centraides is an autonomous organization operated by a voluntary Board of Directors chosen from the community it serves They are built upon a long history of bringing together diverse partners at the local level to initiate action on community issues and problems

Next to governments the UWC Movement is the largest funder of the voluntary sector and social services in Canada Each year UWsCs raise upwards of 480 million the vast majority of which is reinvested in local communities to support programs and services directed at improving the social conditions of Canadians

The Movement employs approximately 900 staff and engages tens of thousands of volunteers in various capacities

At the national level the United Way of Canada Centraide Canada UWCCC provides guidance and support to the Movement as a whole We work with and for local UWCs providing strategic direction and creating connections for sharing information and resources The national organization also maintains a close relationship with United Way of America United Way WorldwideUWW and through UWW with other United Way organizations around the world

Vital and unique
By strengthening our collective identity establishing common standards of excellence for all UWCs and securing the necessary funds we help ensure our Movement remains strong vital and effective as it pursues its goal of community impact

The United Way Centraide is the only social change Movement in Canada that is not causespecific sectarian or political

To improve lives and build community by engaging individuals and mobilizing collective action

To do this we aspire to

Energize and inspire people to make a difference

Provide meaningful opportunities for individuals to realise their potential
by demonstrating volunteer leadership in service to community

Reflect the diversity of the communities we serve

Craft human care agendas within and across our communities

Build coalitions around agendas

Increase investments in agendas by expanding and diversifying our own
resource development and fundraising efforts and supporting those of others

Ensure investments have recognizable impact

Strengthen the UWC Movement building on individual and collective strengths
and abilities of autonomous local UWCs


Our values are to
Provide nonpartisan leadership in social change

Endorse innovation partnerships and collective action

Respect community wisdom and encourage citizen involvement

Encourage and promote volunteerism and volunteer leadership

Demonstrate trust integrity transparency inclusivity and respect
Embrace diversity


A history of being there

The roots of todays United Way of Canada Centraide Canada UWCCC reach back to the Great Depression when the Community Chests and Councils division of the Canadian Welfare Council was formed to provide health and welfare planning

That was 1939 Years later the organization evolved its name to the Community Funds and Councils of Canada yet remained strongly focused on the specific issue of social welfare

Eventually the organizations membership recognized the opportunity to effect greater more enduring change by taking a broader approach to social policy and development In 1972 an independent corporate structure was established with greater resources and capacity for longterm strategic leadership In 1975 came a new name the United Way of Canada Centraide Canada

Today UWCCC is one of just a handful of comprehensive community organizations in North America the national body representing a Movement of 117 local United Ways Centraides across the country

New times new challenges

Canada has undergone profound change in the decades since UWCCCs inception The fundamental experience of community is different today so too are the needs Canadian communities face

As a result our Movement continues to evolveto remain effective by focusing efforts where they are needed most We are committed to improving lives and building communities by engaging individuals and mobilizing collective action This is work that requires providing not simply services but also proactive strategic leadership that helps communities build up their own capacity to confront the challenges facing them

UWCCC speaks on behalf of the Movement at the national level addressing critical nationwide social and community issues It works to improve member access to resources and partners by forging relationships with national and international stakeholdersand fosters collaboration among local UWsCs to harness their collective power for change
Hospital performance is all over the map

Its long been a truism of the Canadian health care system that where you live determines the kind of care you receive Large hospitals in growing urban centres tend to have more resources and equipment than smaller rural hospitals with remote and ageing populations But a new project tracking the performance of the most of the countrys hospitals ... Read More

Third of diabetic patients are victims of medication errors that can cause dangerous blood glucose l

Almost one in three diabetic hospital patients are victims of medication errors that can cause dangerous blood glucose levels a report has found Hospitals in England and Wales made at least one mistake per inpatient in the treatment of 3700 diabetes sufferers in one week data showed During this period the affected patients succumbed to more than ... Read More