Tillicum Haus Health Centre

Name :

Tillicum Haus Health Centre

Address  :

927 Haliburton Street

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V9R 6N4

Phone  :

250 753 8291

Fax  :

250 753 6560

Web URL  :



Tillicum Haus Native Friendship Centre promotes justice fairness and equality
for Aboriginal people through a holistic approach to programming and services

Our philosophy is one that encompasses all people in the
community who request our assistance


The purpose amp objectives of Tillicum Haus Native Friendship Centre are to

Improve the quality of life for Aboriginal people in an urban environment
Provide holistic treatment which covers the four aspects of the individual


Provide treatment which incorporates both traditional and contemporary
healing methods to meet the needs of all clients
Work as a team both internally and with the community at large
towards a common vision
Model healthy lifestyles
Create an environment of trust and respect for clients and fellow employees


The Tillicum Haus Native Friendship Centre was incorporated in 1968 THNFC provides services to Native secondary and postsecondary students residing in the City of Nanaimo Over the years THNFC has grown from a coffee dropin to a centre offering Educational and Training Programs Health amp Counselling Services Social Service Programs as well as a wide variety of special events and activities for children and youth men and women families Elders and the Community

THNFC uses First Nations teachings as a guideline The teachings are that we must learn balance in all things Each person is an emotional mental physical amp spiritual being and all aspects must be cared for and kept in balance This understanding guides our work as helpers We help others to see themselves in this holistic way we structure our program so that healing can take place in each of these areas of a persons life

THNFC delivers Cross Cultural Training workshops for the Community Businesses and Organizations as needed

THNFC Health Centre offers Community Health Program is a growing Holistic Health Service in our Community The Service offers Health promotion and Health Prevention through Education on an individual consultation basis or within Group settings This Service is open to all people

We offer ways to strengthen relationships within Families through promoting Healing Personal Growth and Community interaction Some of the services offered are

Traditional Healing Elders Support Healing Circles Sweats and Smudges Monthly Immunization Breast Feeding Clinic Fetal Alcohol SyndromeFetal Alcohol Effects Support and Education Nutrition Counselling Birth Control Education Self Care Education Well Baby Clinic immunization Sexually Transmitted DiseaseHuman Immunodeficiency Virus testing Breast self exam Testicular self exam Diabetes support
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