Sylvan Family Health Centre


Name :

Sylvan Family Health Centre

Address  :

190 Pelican Place

Town  :

Sylvan Lake

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T4N 0Z6

Phone  :

403 887 2224

Fax  :

403 887 2261

Web URL  :


Sylvan Family Health Centre is a full service ambulatory medical clinic that provides health care for patients and families of all ages Our staff of family physicians and nurses care for newborn to geriatric patients We place an emphasis on prevention and education We are also proud to be a teaching practice of the Alberta Rural Family Medicine Network and a host site for third year medical students from the University of Alberta doing their family practice rotation
Moms weight not blood sugar levels may lead to birth of large baby

CBS News A mothers weight before and during pregnancy may be more of an indicator that she will give birth to a big baby than her blood glucose levels new research reveals According to the study slightly high blood glucose levels not enough to diagnose the mother with gestational diabetes according to Canadian standards had no association with... Read More

Health Buzz Kids Increasingly Injured After Swallowing Button Batteries

More kids are landing in the emergency room after swallowing coinsized button batteries There were nearly 66000 batteryrelated hospital visits by children under 18 between 1990 and 2009 and the annual number more than doubled jumping from 2591 to 5525 Thats according to a new study published today in Pediatrics The situation is worst for children 5... Read More