Sunny Hill Health Centre For Children

Name :

Sunny Hill Health Centre For Children

Address  :

3644 Slocan Street

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V5M 3E8

Phone  :

604 453 8300

Fax  :

604 453 8301

Web URL  :


Who Are We

Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children is the child rehabilitation and development program of BC Childrens Hospital

Sunny Hill supports children and youth with disabilities from birth to their 19th birthday We see more than 5000 children a year from nearly 300 different communities in BC

Sunny Hill is a teaching hospital affiliated with UBC We train 150 students a year in medicine social work nursing psychology and therapy We also do research so that we can continually improve on the services we provide


Key dates events and accomplishments for BC Childrens Hospital

1923 The BC Womens Institute establishes a fund for crippled children

1928 Vancouvers Crippled Childrens Hospital on Hudson Street admits its first patient

1933 A new Crippled Childrens Hospital opens on West 59th Avenue

1947 Facility renamed Childrens Hospital to exemplify the growing awareness that children are not defined by their illnesses

1964 Childrens Hospital and the Health Centre for Children agree to develop a joint facility

1977 Ground is broken at 28th Avenue and Oak Street the future site of the new Childrens Hospital

1982 The new BC Childrens Hospital opens to its first patients

1985 Childrens Variety Research Centre opens on the Oak Street site testimony to the increasing importance placed on medical research

1992 BC Childrens Hospital receives initial government approval for expansion plans

2002 The Chieng Family Medical Day Unit opens in April an example of excellence in familycentred care

2003 The Ambulatory Care building opens in March its 55 clinics receive more than 95000 patient visits a year

2004 BC Childrens Hospital as the only tertiary care facility for children in BC receives 168000 visits from patients annually

2004 BC Childrens Hospital establishes the Centre for International Child Health to coordinate and enhance BC Childrens Hospital activities on an international level The Centre is designed to improve the health of children by providing training for leaders in health care for children both in Canada and internationally An inaugural partnership with the Childrens Hospital of Fudan University in Shanghai focuses on child cardiac services

2005 BC Childrens Hospital reduced pediatric surgical wait lists by 20 per cent through innovations and improvements as well as by a new daysurgery partnership with Richmond Hospital

2005 Two inpatient units reopened following a 69million upgrade the first substantial modernization since the hospital opened in 1982 The provincial governmentfunded modernization improved patient rooms amenities for families and the working environment for staff on the neurosciences cardiology general surgery and specialty medicine inpatient units within the limitations of the physical site

2005 Phase One of the Djavad Mowafaghian Wing was completed which significantly improved the area used by oncology outpatients The 5000squaremetre renovation project was made possible largely through the generosity of developer Djavad Mowafaghian who donated 6 million to the BC Childrens Hospital Foundation

2005 A new provincewide network was establisheda first for BCto provide assessment and diagnosis for children with complex developmental behavioural conditions such as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder FASD The 34 million provincial governmentfunded program leverages the specialized expertise of Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children part of BC Childrens

2006 Healthy Buddies an initiative of BC Childrens Hospital expands into schools in various regions across the province Healthy Buddies is a unique childcentred health promotion program targeting attitudes and behaviours about body image nutrition and physical activity

2006 Centre for Healthy Weights Shapedown BC a new specialized centre at BC Childrens Hospital opens to help reduce obesity in children and adolescents Shapedown will help hundreds of kids and their families learn new habits early and enjoy the best quality of life for many years to come

2007 A new 19million Mental Health Building opens at the BC Childrens site to serve children and adolescents living with mental health challenges in British Columbia They will have easy access to services such as emergency care longterm psychiatric care outreach and an eating disorders program The provincial government provided 13 million and BC Childrens Hospital Foundation donors provided 6 million

2007 Overwaitea Food Group makes a 20million pledge of supportthe largestever donation to the BC Childrens Hospital Foundationfor the Child Health BC network Initiated at BC Childrens Hospital Child Health BC is a network of medical professionals and agencies including BC Childrens regional health authorities and the provincial ministries of Health and Children and Family Development This network will work to provide easier access to care reduce travel for families and enable greater efficiency and collaboration among professionals and agencies involved in child health throughout the province

2007 Child Health BC is providing up to 15 million to fund a pediatric ambulatory care unit at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital to house diagnostic and treatment clinics for children and youth

2007 A 10bed inpatient unit at BC Childrens Hospital vacated by the mental health program was renovated to increase capacity for the pediatric cancer inpatient unit With the additional space children with cancer no longer need to be sent to other medical or surgical units in the hospital Oncology patients now have their own rooms which is beneficial as their hospital stay can last for many weeks or months at a time

2008 Child Health BC is providing 585000 through the North Coast Health Improvement Society to fund a new audiology clinic at Prince Rupert Regional Hospital Children living with hearing loss in Prince Rupert and coastal communities as well as the Queen Charlotte Islands will have better access to specialized services through the new facility

2008 BC Childrens now operates two new stateoftheart molecularimaging gamma cameras that help decrease exam durations and provide higherquality images One camera is a hybrid SPECTCT a gamma camera combined with a sixslice CT scanner that provides overlaid images These fused images provide physicians with a more accurate picture of whats going on inside patients enabling more effective treatment For many patients it can mean one hospital visit instead of two The Ministry of Health Services invested 28 million in the new diagnostic equipment as well as renovations in the Radiology department including improved waiting areas for patients and better work space for staff

2008 Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome SBS British Columbia a program of BC Childrens Hospital launches The Period of PURPLE Cryingregan education and prevention program that will enable new parents in BC to better understand inconsolable crying in infants and help lower the incidence of Shaken Baby Syndrome New parents will receive a 10minute DVD and 11page booklet explaining normal crying patterns and providing strategies to help cope with periods of inconsolable crying Prevent SBS BC received a 14 million commitment from the Ministry of Children and Family Development The Ministry of Health Services and health authorities are distributing the program materials to parents through maternity and community health nurses and health care providers

2008 The Emergency Department at BC Childrens Hospital implements an electronic clinical information system which supports better patient care through improved data collection tracking and sharing of patient charts from triage to discharge within the Emergency Department Funding of 25 million for the initial phase is provided through the provincial governments 100 Million Health Innovation Fund

2008 BC Childrens completes a 44million renovation project in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit PICU to enhance family and staff areas and improve the units capacity to care for children who require strict isolation Each year more than 1200 children and youth receive care in the PICU As the only dedicated PICU in BC it serves the entire province for the critical care of children and youth who have experienced trauma or require advanced life support and the highest level of intensive care due to complex medical conditions or surgery

2008 The Medical Director of Child Protection Services at BC Childrens Hospital receives a Lifetime Achievement Award of Excellence from British Columbias Representative for Children and Youth in 2008 The award recognizes individuals and organizations who deliver services to benefit children and youth in innovative and effective ways and who show a commitment to professional excellence

2008 Child Health BCs telehealth services open in the North Okanagan Neurological Associations Child Development Centre in Vernon giving families of children with complex developmental behavioral conditions better access to services Telehealth videoconferencing technology helps to overcome barriers of geography transportation infrastructure or socioeconomic disparity by enabling clinical consultation continuing professional education and health care management
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