St Elizabeth Med Center-South

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St Elizabeth Med Center-South

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1 Medical Village Drive

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859 344 2000

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Founded in 1861 St Elizabeth Medical Center has locations in Covington Edgewood Williamstown and throughout Northern Kentucky and is one of the largest and most respected medical centers in the region St Elizabeth is the first and only Greater CincinnatiNorthern Kentucky hospital to achieve Magnet status the internationally recognized gold standard for nursing excellence HealthGrades has named St Elizabeth a Distinguished Hospital for Clinical Excellence placing it in the top 5 in the nation for quality of care five years in a row The medical center has been nationally recognized for heart stroke cancer orthopedics neurology and respiratory care and has been named a finalist in the Best Place to Work competition by the Cincinnati Business Courier in the large company category three years in a row

Sponsored by the Diocese of Covington St Elizabeth fulfills a healing mission providing over 51 million in uncompensated care and benefits to the community in 2007

Mission Vision Values
Who We Are
Mission Statement of St Elizabeth Medical Center
As a Catholic healthcare ministry we provide comprehensive and compassionate care through partnerships that improve the health of the people we serve

Our Vision
quotWe will be a national leader in healthcare excellence through our experience collaboration and innovationquot

Our Values
We believe in an organization where people rely on one another willingly cooperate with and keep commitments to each other and recognize that key goals are accomplished through group not individual effort

We are individually responsible for our actions and for how we use the resources of the organization

We believe in the worth of every individual in communicating honestly and openly in willingly accepting the uniqueness of others and treating each other with fairness and impartiality

We are committed to caring for patients and each other in a personal and compassionate way

We will constantly analyze what we do in order to find simpler and better ways of doing it We will strive to meet or surpass the expectations of those we serve We will pursue technological excellence

We will readily respond to the needs of those we serve and to important changes in the environment


St Elizabeths proud history of providing high quality medical care to the people of Northern Kentucky began in 1861 The accomplishments of this noble hospital and its people are too numerous to be chronicled on this website Instead highlights of each decade are featured It is hoped these descriptions of St Elizabeths growth provide a portrait of the outstanding spiritual psychological and physical care this hospital has and will continue to provide the residents of our community

Covington resident Mrs Henrietta Cleveland prevailed upon the Sisters of the Poor of St Francis in Cincinnati to found a hospital in Covington At the request of Covingtons first bishop Rt Rev George Carrell three sisters from Germany prepared St Elizabeth Hospital named after St Elizabeth of Hungary Mrs Cleveland Mrs Sarah Peter and ladies of the first St Elizabeth Support Guild provided 227205 for the purchase of a small 3story former grocery store on 7th Street between Madison and Scott This would become the hospital and home for the Sisters of the Order

On January 23 1861 the first patient 37yearold Louis Meyer was admitted to St Elizabeth Hospital Dr John Blau was the first physician to offer his services to the sisters He was soon followed by Drs Joseph Schwartz Charles Kearns and EN Noonan On February 2 the chapel was blessed and Mass celebrated The kind sisters cared for 79 patients that year

In the fall of 1867 the sisters learned they would have to relocate their hospital to make way for a marketplace Thanks to the efforts of Rev Conrad Rotter pastor of St Stephens in Newport 50000 was raised so that the former Baptist College on 11th Street in Covington could be purchased It had served as a military hospital during the Civil War and was quickly remodeled for a bed capacity of 110 Mother Francis Shervier Foundress of the Franciscan Order came from Germany to attend the dedication held on May 24 1868

The foundling home started by the sisters during the Civil War now sheltered as many as 60 orphans This mission continued until 1919

By 1876 300 patients were treated each year Finances remained tight An 1877 newspaper story told how two sisters had to go out one day to beg for donations after a renovation project turned up 25 short

In 1878 Covington authorities asked the sisters to admit inmates of the quotPoor Housequot until a new building could be provided for them by the City

Epidemics of smallpox appeared in Covington several times during the decade After two patients in the hospital were found to have the fever neighbors became so frightened and angered at having the disease in their midst they threatened to burn the hospital if those patients remained With heavy hearts the sisters were forced to send smallpox patients to a quotpest housequot about four miles away They took turns traveling by wagon to provide nursing care for the victims

The first annual report issued in 1879 stated there were five doctors on staff Only 26 patients died that year 13 of consumption 2 from cancer 2 due to organic disease of the heart and 1 each of typhoid fever pneumonia epilepsy paralysis and quotovarian dropsyquot

In 1884 a local newspaper reported that St Elizabeth Hospital was caring for 196 patients of whom 22 were orphans and 65 were people over the age of 80 quotwho had no place else to goquot

During this time the climate in Covington was considered beneficial Someone had decided the air was healthful and relieved problems of breathing Consequently many patients with tuberculosis were brought to St Elizabeth from Cincinnati and other surrounding areas in the hope of obtaining relief

Early physicians performed hospital autopsies in a separate building behind the hospital but they had to be discontinued with the onset of hot weather because of the proliferation of green horseflies around the facility Despite the many hardships and hazards of the day dedicated physicians at St Elizabeth continued to contribute and grow in knowledge of how best to ease the sufferings of their patients These men set high standards for the physicians of future years

Medicine as well as science and industry experienced a major breakthrough in November 1895 when the Xray was developed Even early on its applications were numerous St Elizabeth Hospital and the citizens of Covington were early and progressively interested in the Xray John Robert Kelly and Albert B Koett began manufacturing equipment for the utilization of the X ray in 1903 The KellyKoett Manufacturing Company was based in Covington and achieved a worldwide reputation in the field

Specialty services began to emerge during this decade with the opening in 1902 of an Ear Eye Nose and Throat Department by Dr Hugo Aufmwasser

Thanks to a quotliberal contributionquot from a philanthropic citizen Mr Nicholas Walsh a laboratory was established Quartered in a small coal oil heated basement room the lab was administered by its first director Dr William J Gerding who was assisted by Dr James A Ryan For the first time lab tests although crude were performed The equipment consisted of a handmade table hand microtome handdriven centrifuge a microscope a few chemicals and limited glassware Only urinalyses stool and sputum examinations and a rare blood count were possible However all surgical specimens were carefully examined and many autopsies were performed Unfortunately no permanent records from this time are available The building on 11th Street was showing its age Also since the hospital sat next to the train tracks noise and smoke from the greatly increased train traffic was a constant annoyance to patients and staff The 11 physicians on the first organized medical staff agreed to relocate the hospital and property on 21st Street was purchased

Ground was broken for the new hospital in June 1911 but because the sisters funds were very low only the foundation of the building was constructed Under the direction of Judge Frank M Tracy a quotwhirlwind campaign drivequot was organized to raise the 100000 needed for the new structure A huge tenday bazaar was held at the site of the new hospital

Hundreds of workers were enlisted to help sell bazaar tickets doortodoor in Covington The tickets were made more appealing by having each one represent a vote to the buyer for either the quotMost Popular Girl in Northern Kentuckyquot winning girl received a diamond ring quotMost Popular Streetcar Man in Covingtonquot winner was awarded season tickets to the Lyric Theater in Covington or quotMost Popular Boy in Covingtonquot he won a goat

In the end a grand total of 10297744 was raised The cornerstone was laid on June 14 1912 and on August 1 1914 the new fourstory hospital with capacity for 270 patients plus quarters for 60 orphan children was dedicated An estimated 15000 people toured the building the following day to see firsthand this beautiful structure

Ladies from parishes in Covington Newport Ludlow Bellevue and Dayton formed the quotCircle of Mercyquot in May 1912 They aided personnel doctors and the Sisters in the interest of St Elizabeth and the community

In 1915 St Elizabeth opened a School of Nursing There were 11 students in the first class The school operated for a short time closed and then reopened in 1929

An innovation in service occurred when St Elizabeth opened a quotmaternity annexquot in March 1920 It consisted of Labor amp Delivery Rooms a nursery supply rooms a kitchen and 28 patient beds In order to accomplish this the 60 children then living in the Childrens Home were transferred to other orphanages in the area From April 1 1920 to January 1 1935 the hospital cared for 8228 mothers and 8307 newborn infants with a small percentage of mortality and morbidity

Another improvement during this decade included the addition in 1921 of the first anesthesia department consisting of three specially trained anesthetists proficient in the use of ether chloroform or gas anesthetics

During the 1920s it became apparent there was a definite need to provide a separate more appropriate area for sick children They had been cared for on adult wards Early in 1925 temporary quarters were made available and the children for the most part were separated from the adults A retired physician from the community Dr Frank D Crigler became interested in St Elizabeths work with children He made a liberal donation to St Elizabeth and on February 1 1927 the Grace Crigler Childrens Ward containing 14 cubicles was opened

In the summer of 1928 the Emergency and Clinic Department was organized Up until this time all emergency cases were treated in the regular treatment room on the respective floors

The total number of patients admitted in 1934 was 4710 The Sisters of the Poor continued their tradition of caring for anyone in need According to records 884 were able to fully pay for their own care 2079 made partial payments and 1747 some of whom were employees were treated freeofcharge

St Elizabeth Hospital marked its Diamond Jubilee with a festive twoday bazaar It featured a community card party and a grand raffle prize a stunning new 1936 4door Chevrolet sedan

In 1936 the quotCrusaders Clubquot was formed The members of this group were of great assistance to the Sisters because of their efforts to raise funds to meet the ever growing technical needs of the hospital

Great Flood of January 1937 reached 21st Street and filled the hospitals basement with over 15 feet of water The elevators stopped running gas and water were cut off and supplies had to be brought in by rowboat The hospitals laundry was taken out and done by groups of women in Florence and Hebron A 16quot catfish was even caught in the basement

In 1942 a war service plaque with a blue background on which silver stars were mounted in the shape of a V was hung in the hospital lobby in honor of the St Elizabeth doctors and nurses serving in World War II Doctors in various service branches included Drs CW Air AC Poweleit J A Vesper and M R Walsh

Also in 1942 the hospital sewing guild established a new production record by making along with hundred of additional items 62 aprons for orderlies 94 bedpan covers 188 pads for babies and 151 doctors masks

Following the war improvements in health care escalated The Physical Therapy Department opened in 1945 and quickly proved its usefulness especially in the care of orthopedic patients and the treatment and rehabilitation of the paralyzed

In early 1946 a new childrens orthopedic unit was presented to the hospital by the Rotarians of Northern Kentucky And the first psychiatric unit was planned and opened under the direction of Dr RC Smith

Major hospital expansions took place during this decade A nurses home quotTarsicia Hallquot named for Mother Tarsicia Marie who earlier had reorganized the St Elizabeth School of Nursing opened in 1950 It cost over 800000 to build and provided living accommodations for 200 nurses plus educational and recreational facilities and administrative offices

In 1950 an approved school of Xray Technology was established as well as an approved program for training of Laboratory Technologists

An expansion program in 1953 cost over one and a half million dollars The Emergency Room and Outpatient Departments were enlarged and the Neurological Department fully equipped to care for 17 quotnervous and mentalquot patients was opened A communicable disease center for both adults and children also opened as a result of the polio epidemic in the mid 1940s

Another expansion program took place in 1958 A new surgical wing was built and named the quotRyan Pavilionquot in honor of Dr James A Ryan a member of the 1910 surgical staff A recovery room area was included and maternity was extended A large central cafeteria was built on the ground floor of the building and central supply was expanded Also notable was the relocation of the Xray Department The space was greatly enlarged and all new equipment was purchased

St Elizabeth Hospital celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1961 The hospitals budget was over 3 million and there were 670 employees 17 of whom were Sisters More than 400000 patients had been admitted to the hospital during the first century of service

In 1962 a 13member Lay Advisory Committee was created At the time the administrator and Board of Trustees were all members of the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor The Sisters decided to include lay persons on the hospitals Board of Trustees in 1967

At the same time the Sisters saw that St Elizabeth needed more extensive administrative and financial backing than they could provide Bishop Ackerman was approached and asked if the Diocese of Covington would accept sponsorship of the hospital He agreed and the sponsorship remains with the Diocese today

A major change occurred in April 1968 when the hospital hired its first lay administrator Earl Gilreath Other events during the 1960s included the opening of the Social Service Department in 1962 and Northern Kentuckys first Intensive Care Unit in 1964 The Womens Guild was organized and was instrumental in the opening of Toddler Inn a day care center for children of hospital employees In 1968 the last class of nurses was graduated at St Elizabeth and a decision was made to phase out the nursing school

The decade of the 70s saw dramatic changes at St Elizabeth Major renovations took place including shifting the main entrance of the hospital from 21st Street to the present 20th Street side

The first total hip replacement operation in Northern Kentucky was successfully performed at St Elizabeth in 1972 and the first total knee replacement was done in 1973 Also that year the Maternity Department started permitting fathers in the delivery room Cancer treatment in Northern Kentucky received a boost with the addition of a Cobalt 60 radiation therapy unit The St Elizabeth Home Health Care Agency was founded in 1973 as well as the Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology In the mid70s the Womens Guild became the Auxiliary and welcomed both male and female members

Also in 1973 260 acres was purchased in Edgewood for a future second hospital and a new identity logo was adopted In 1974 Paul Bellendorf was hired as Chief Administrator of St Elizabeth and ground was broken for the Family Practice Center A new parking garage was opened at the Covington hospital in 1975 and in December of that year ground was broken for a new hospital in Edgewood

St Elizabeth Hospital officially became St Elizabeth Medical Center North and South Units in 1977 And in September 1978 the South Unit opened with 182 beds and 687 employees

The first CT scanner in Northern Kentucky was installed at the North Unit in Covington1980 The first CT CAT Scanner was installed at the North Unit 1981 Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory service began at the South Unit in January A second lab was installed in June 1988 1984 Northern Kentuckys first open heart surgery program was started at the South in December 1985 Both a 3story medical office building and a multilevel parking garage opened adjacent to the South Unit 1986 Maternity and Pediatric Departments relocated to South

Mr Joseph Gross was hired as President and Chief Executive Officer of the medical center By 1986 the 125th Anniversary of St Elizabeth 23000 inpatients and 70000 outpatients were treated a year Employees numbered over 2000 the MedicalDental Staff 350 and the Auxiliary 650 members who volunteered over 70000 hours annually

An offsite Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI Center opened in Edgewood 1988 A Sleep Disorders Center was started at the North 1989 The second Doctors Building was completed at the South Cardiac Surgery Recovery expanded and the 1400th open heart surgery was performed A 4 million renovation of the North Unit was completed

Outreach and Excellence Hallmarks of the 90s The St Elizabeth Foundation formed in 1991 blessed with 100 plus community leaders raised 79 million through the decade including 16 million given by St Elizabeth employees St E Volunteers and Ambassadors donated 750000 hours to the medical center

St Elizabeth Grant County joined the organization in 1993 serving the fastgrowing Williamstown Kentucky area

At St Elizabeth North The Bishop William Hughes Pavilion a skilled nursing facility was dedicated in 1996

St Elizabeth South celebrating its 20th anniversary in 1998 added an ambulatory care wing Behavioral Health Center Business Health Center and many other outpatient services

The 1990s brought St E prestigious recognition as one of the nations Top 100 Hospitals and in receiving the top score among large Ohio and Kentucky hospitals in a study by a major insurer

The Wall Street Journal featured the open heart surgery program and a separate national study ranked the quality of cardiac services among the top 3 in the US

UNICEF designated The Family Birth Place as the nations 20th quotBabyFriendlyquot Hospital for support of breastfeeding

St Elizabeth formed Summit Medical Group as a subsidiary of primary care physicians

St Elizabeth Medical Center entered the new millennium as one of the tristates premier healthcare leaders committed to a mission of service unchanged for 139 years

Opened new SEMC Diagnostic Center in Union

Grand opening for expanded and renovated Esther Marie Hatton Cancer Care Center

New Nurse Navigator assists women with breast cancer

Summit Medical Group grows to 40 physicians 14 sites

Opened MRI center in Alexandria with St Luke

Implemented employee Gainshare program to share proceeds from remarkable financial turnaround

Ranked 1st in Greater Cincinnati on Anthem scorecard heart program named among top in nation in two separate studies finished at top in CHP Quality Awards

Named among just 5 US hospitals as quotDestination for Nursingquot hospital signifying reputation as outstanding place for nurses to work and excellence in patient care

Ranked 1 provider on Anthem scorecard in Kentucky

Cardiac program identified as 1 in 3 states by HealthGrades and among top 100 in country by Solucient

First gainsharing checks reward employees for helping keep SEMC squarely in the black

Summit continues to grow adding 17 primary care doctors

St E Grant Co major expansion project nearly triples size of ER adds new lobby and more treatment areas

Wound Care Center and Palliative Care services open

Commitment to SEMC mission remains priority with 2001 community benefit report showing nearly 23500 million in services amp free care provided to community

Designed and began construction on a new Outpatient Surgery Center near the South Unit

Completed design of major South expansion project to add 300000 sq feet

Chosen as one of the 10 Best Places in the USA to have a baby

Rated in Top 5 in US for cardiac cared by HealthGrades 10000th open heart surgery

Developed Care Management Program to serve elderly patients at home

Behavioral Health Senior Adult Program opens

New Summit office built in Hebron

Gained 3 year JCAHO accreditation scoring an outstanding 96 out of possible 100 highest score ever achieved by St Elizabeth

Celebrated South 25th anniversary

Among first in US recognized Distinguished Hospital for both service and clinical excellence by JD Power and Associates and HealthGrades Inc

US News amp World Report rankings of Americas Best Hospitals lists St Elizabeth among 50 best

Scored 100 on Anthem quality study

First hospital in an 8state region to win two national awards for Healthy Environment

Did 2nd artificial cornea transplant in US

Completed 300000 sq ft 8story tower on South campus expanding in Phase I Emergency Department cardiology and orthopedics

Began outpatient surgery in new freestanding center on South campus

Opened new Breast Health Center at South

In Crestview Hills opened with Childrens Hospital ambulatory care facility for pediatric patients

In a physician satisfaction survey by Professional Research Corporation St Elizabeth ranked in top 66 of all US hospitals

Implemented onsite RN to BSN program with Mt St Joseph and developed partnership with Gateway Community College for Associate Degree in Nursing program

St Elizabeth named one of 3 finalists in Business Couriers quotBest Places to Workquot competition

Implemented Neuroscience Center of Excellence with dedicated nursing unit staff education and stroke protocols

US News amp World Report lists Respiratory and NeurologyNeurosurgery among best in US

Named a quotBest Place to Workquot in Greater Cincinnati by Business Courier

1st in Ohio and Kentucky on Anthem quality study

HealthGrades Distinguished Hospital Award put us in top 5 of all hospitals for quality for 3rd consecutive year

One of just seven hospitals to win a third environmental award

Part of area hospital collaborative to win Codman patient safety award from JCAHO

Opened inpatient MRI at South Unit and implemented new PETCT service

Retail imaging program implemented

New High Risk OvarianBreast Cancer Clinic

Successful VISION campaign helped Foundation raise 3 million for St Es mission of care

HealthGrades named St Elizabeth a Distinguished Hospital for Clinical Excellence placing it in the top 5 in the nation for quality of care five years in a row allowing us to achieve our newest distinction from HealthGrades as One of the Top 50 Best Hospitals for 2007

St Elizabeth scored first in Ohio and Kentucky on Anthems quality scorecard for the second consecutive year

Over 3500 associates participated in the Target Health program

A new freestanding inpatient hospice facility was built on the Edgewood campus

Obtained a commitment to build an ambulatory care center on 12th Street in Covington We also received 32 million in state funding to acquire properties and construct an access road for this project

St Elizabeth is the first and only hospital in the Tristate to achieve Magnet status

Relocated North Unit acute care beds to South Unit

Installed 64slice CT scanner in Radiology

Grant adds MRI service DEXA scanner electronic medical records in ED fetal monitor

Opened Hyperbaric Oxygen Service

Finalist in Business Courier sponsored Greater Cincinnatis Best Places to Work Winner in Kentuckys Best Places to Work

Opened new Sports Medicine in Florence and Business Health Center in Union

Foundation receives 2 million gift largest ever at St Elizabeth completes 64 million Hospice goal
SGH misses marks

A crossCanada report on hospital performance indicates Stratford General Hospital was rated quotbelow performance rangequot in 30day mortalities after heart attacks and strokes and 90day readmissions for hip replacement SGH was within the performance range for fiveday inhospital mortalities following major surgery The hospital performed quota... Read More

Health care turns deadly

CORNWALL The prognosis is not good for the Canadian health system according to William Charney and Michael Hurley who brought their message to Cornwall Thursday As many as 63000 Canadians will die from a medical error or hospitalacquired infection this year making it the second leading cause of death they say They say research shows 18 of Ca... Read More