South-Eastman Regional Health Authority

Name :

South-Eastman Regional Health Authority

Address  :

P.O. Box 470
94 Principale Street

Town  :

La Broquerie

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

R0A 0W0

Phone  :

204 424 5880

Fax  :

204 424 5888

Web URL  :


South Eastman has a population of approximately 60000 residents The South Eastman Region covers over 10000 square kilometers extending south from the Trans Canada Highway to the American border and east of the Red River to the Ontario border

For health planning purposes the region is divided into four districts Western Northern Central and Southern

South Eastman HealthSanteacute SudEst Inc owns and operates the regions four hospitals located in St PierreJolys Ste Anne Steinbach and Vita

There are seven personal care homes in South Eastman Three facilities are associated with regional hospitals in St PierreJolys Steinbach and Vita Three additional facilities in Ste Anne Steinbach and Grunthal are notforprofit faithbased institutions while the personal care home in St Adolphe is privately operated

South Eastman has two primary health care centres located in Sprague and Niverville Physicians contracted by the RHA are based in St PierreJolys and Vita and serve patients in these two centres

South Eastman HealthSanteacute SudEst Inc is a Regional Health Authority located in the fastest growing region of Manitoba We are responsible for providing health care and services to over 60000 individuals residing in one of 80 vibrant progressive and multicultural communities they call home

To achieve wellness and the best possible health by partnering with individuals families and communities

To pursue our Vision by providing quality health services supported by evidencebased decision making

We believe in INTEGRITY and are committed to being transparent and honest with our staff our partners and the communities and people that we serve
We believe in a SHARED VISION and will work with our staff partners and community to ensure that a clear understanding of this vision informs all of our planning and work

We believe in RESPECT and recognize the value equality resourcefulness and resilience of individuals including staff volunteers patients and community members and are committed to responding with empathy compassion and respect for community diversity

We believe in PATIENT SAFETY and SERVICE EXCELLENCE and encourage all parts of the regional health delivery system to seek creative and innovative solutions to deliver safe integrated and quality health services while maintaining a willingness to change and openness to continuous learning and improvement

We believe in demonstrating PERFORMANCE ACCOUNTABILITY by providing a safe responsive and sustainable health care environment through responsible governance and management practices prudent stewardship of resources throughout the organization transparency and good communication and by demonstrating integrity and ethics in the interactions of the total organization

We believe in COLLABORATION and are committed to teamwork consultation and twoway communication with our partners and regional communities in order to deliver services in the most effective manner while respecting the different needs and priorities of those with whom we work
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