Simcoe County District Health Unit


Name :

Simcoe County District Health Unit

Address  :

15 Sperling Drive

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

L4M 6K9

Phone  :

705 721 7520

Fax  :

705 721 1495

Web URL  :



The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit is committed to excellence in promoting and protecting health and preventing disease and injury Our goal is to work with individuals families communities and agencies to achieve optimal health through the delivery of programs and services


We see the people of Simcoe Muskoka leading healthy fulfilling and productive lives The health of people communities and the environment in which we live work and play is a key consideration in community planning and policy making
The health unit makes a significant contribution to population health and quality of life through its leadership and work with communities such that

people of all ages build on strengths and opportunities to nurture healthy lifelong growth and development achieve optimal levels of education employment shelter and nutrition and develop socially supportive networks of relationships

people and communities have the information knowledge and skills required to make choices for health

services are designed and implemented in partnership with people to meet their needs respect diversity and are accessible culturally appropriate and coordinated

a healthy environment is sustained through public policy and actions to ensure clean air land and water

threats to peoples health are anticipated prevented or minimized and communities have the capacity to respond to emerging and emergency issues

We Value

EXCELLENCE in providing services to our clients and our communities

ACCOUNTABILITY for our individual and collective choices actions and outcomes and for the responsible and efficient use of public funds and resources

RESPECT for the rights of all people to be treated fairly and with dignity and to make choices that reflect individuality and diversity while working toward improved health for all

WORKING TOGETHER and sharing responsibility among health unit staff and with government agency and community partners

POSITIVE WORKING ENVIRONMENTS which foster open communication workplace wellness and worklife balance

ACHIEVEMENT of equal opportunity for health
BC First Nation plans private hospital

BCs Westbank First Nation is planning to build a 120million private hospital on its reserve in the Okanagan Chief Robert Louie says the 100bed facility would operate outside Canadas medicare system serving any patient willing to pay for private treatment Louie believes theres a large market of Canadians who are leaving the country for health ... Read More

How To Get A Good Nights Sleep

Do you remember when you were little and it seemed as though sleep overcame you as soon as your head hit your pillow And you slumbered through the night until morning time They call it the sleep of the innocent but dont you wish you could sleep like that again Adult responsibilities stress lifestyle and other worries often result in poor sleep h... Read More