Saskatoon City Hospital

Name :

Saskatoon City Hospital

Address  :

701 Queen Street

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Post Code:

S7K 0M7

Phone  :

306 655 8000

Web URL  :

Saskatoon City Hospital


Saskatoon City Hospital is home to the SaskTel MRI Suite and the future Breast Health Centre City Hospital also has the Eye Care Centre Geriatric Assessment unit and large gynecology and rehabilitation units and is one of the few acute care hospitals in Canada to house a research centre the Cameco MS Neuroscience Research Centre


Saskatoon City Hospital 1909 the first municipal hospital in Western Canada and the second in Canada was originally located on 6th Avenue North Soon after plans were made to build a larger hospital on Queen Street Demand for hospital beds continued to grow and by 1927 the West Wing accommodated 122 beds In 1930 an East Wing with 150 beds was constructed A nurses residence was also built adjacent to the hospital

As the City of Saskatoon grew so too did the hospital In 1950 three stories were added to the nurses residence called the centre block and in 1958 this became the main hospital with 330 permanent beds and capacity though crowded for 675 beds The hospital underwent many other renovations and additions in its 75 year plus history

Eventually however with changing needs of residents and a need to upgrade the building and equipment the present Saskatoon City Hospital was built and officially opened on October 16 1993 with patients moving in on December 13 1993
Reducing hospital errors would save lives money advocates

The number of people affected by mistakes in Canadas hospitals every week could fill three passenger jet planes says the president of the Ontario Council of Hospital unions And if three jumbo jets were crashing every week would the government act to stop it Michael Hurley asked We think they would Hurley was joined at a news conference this w... Read More

People With Alzheimers Disease and Related Dementias Speak Out

quotI want to do as much as I can before this thing cuts me offquot quotThis thingquot is Vascular Dementia a form of dementia resulting from a single or multiple strokes Cynthia Williams wants you to know what its like to live with dementia quotI want people to know how humiliating it is to be treated like someone who has something so terrib... Read More