Samuel Waldner Counselling and Addiction Services


Name :

Samuel Waldner Counselling and Addiction Services

Address  :

Yorkdale Place
1 Yorkdale Rd
Ste. 410

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Post Code:

M6A 3A1

Phone  :

416 630 0818

Web URL  :


For more than 20 years Samuel Waldner has served generations of individuals and families struggling with the difficulties of living with alcohol drug nicotine compulsive eating and other dependencies

As a leading alcoholismaddictions counselor in Toronto Canada he feels honoured to have been able to encourage the recovery of hundreds of individuals and in turn to have helped thousands of family members affected by the disease

He has helped countless others on their road to recovery from codependency weight preoccupation anxiety depression and relationship issues

Samuel has consistently pioneered new approaches to counseling while drawing wisdom from well recognized sources His story healing approach has benefited many clients Recently he launched a new approach that combines his passion for photography with his expertise as a counsellor PhotoTherapy This approach gives clients a powerful and simple way to engage their creativity through photography and find innovative solutions to their problems Samuel Waldner says that It literally helps clients to focus and be in the here and now

Samuel Waldner has his master of education in Counselling Psychology He was trained as an addiction counsellor at the Hazelden Foundation in Center City Minnesota He has counselled in both outpatient and residential settings He has been in private practice since 1989

believe that no matter how hopeless you feel or how terrible your current situation seems to be there is always a way out As one of the leading practitioners in the area of addiction counselling I wholeheartedly believe this and I have consistently seen clients move from despair to hope

Many of us choose because of various life experiences to go it alone emotionally We decide that there is no one that we can truly trust or rely on We think that we have to solve our own problems

The solution for many people begins with the awareness that they cannot solve their problems on their own

I encourage you to reach out and ask for help

My helping approach draws from the 12 StepsMinnesota Model and techniques derived from cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness meditation I have pulled wisdom from each of these sources and have brought them together into my individual approach that I call story healing

It is not people or events that make me happy or sad It is my beliefs or stories about people or events that make me happy or sadquot

One of the great challenges of recovery is to identify and heal from the negative stories that we tell ourselves that block us from being present and enjoying the now

I believe that there are four basic concepts that need to be addressed in counselling to bring about a sustained recovery The client needs to be encouraged to begin to 1 ask for help 2 take responsibility for their thoughts and feelings 3 get in touch with their creativity 4 learn to live in the here and now
BC First Nation plans private hospital

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Better to transplant smokers lungs than staying on wait list UK study finds

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