Rosewood Manor

Name :

Rosewood Manor

Address  :

6260 Blundell Road

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V7C 5C4

Phone  :

604 271 3590

Fax  :

604 271 3551

Web URL  :


Rosewood Manor is an outstanding nonprofit residential care home for seniors providing 24hour nursing care and supervision recreation programs and support services to residents and to the community at large

With an enormous increase projected in the number of seniors over the age of 85 in the next 10 years Rosewood understands the need to look for creative solutions for increasing the care and health of seniors We do that through exceptional care of residents and through an outreach program that has made a significant community impact

Opened to serve the community in October 1982 Rosewood originally had 120 single rooms on 2 floors In 2004 Rosewood entered into a partnership with Richmond Health Services and the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority to add 30 new beds for a total of 150 intermediatecomplex care beds and 1 respite bed

Mission Statement
Rosewood Manor is a home and community health service provider that delivers skilled diverse quality care and support to our residents their families and the surrounding neighbourhood
North York General Hospital advances patient safety with health IT

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Better to transplant smokers lungs than staying on wait list UK study finds

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