Riverview Health Centre

Name :

Riverview Health Centre

Address  :

One Morley Avenue

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Post Code:

R3L 2P4

Phone  :

204 478 6203

Fax  :

204 478 6212

Web URL  :

Email  :

  • Dentistry
  • Neurologist
  • Pathology Lab

Total Number Of Beds : 387


Riverview Health Centre is a world class facility located on the banks of the Red River near the heart of Winnipeg Manitoba Canada It provides innovative and compassionate care to those in need

Riverviews 388beds cater to those with rehabilitation and long term care needs The Centre supports progressive programming for patients and residents in hospital and personal care home units as well as in outpatient and community programs

This website which includes a virtual tour offers general information about the philosophy the people the services and the programs at Riverview Health Centre For those who require more comprehensive information contact numbers and email addresses are provided throughout the site

Riverview Health Centres Mission Vision and Values

Riverview Health Centre provides specialized therapeutic and restorative health services to adult residents of Manitoba in a supportive environment that recognizes the cultural spiritual and ethnic diversity of our community Innovation through education and research activities in collaboration with community partners is integral to the achievement of this mission

The Centre collaborates within the regional health structure to ensure the services provided meet identified community needs The Centre provides specialized inpatient outpatient and outreach services which include rehabilitation respiratory care palliative care behaviour management chronic care personal care psychogeriatric outreach continence promotion adult day programs and respite care

Building on its legacy of care and tradition of excellence Riverview Health Centre will be a leader in providing innovative programs that promote the health and wellbeing of adult Manitobans

Our Values
We believe that our values are the foundation upon which our success is built It is through the contribution of our staff and volunteers that we strive to live these values daily

Patient focused Care amp Service
The residentpatient and their family are at the center of all activities and are entitled to personalized compassionate and competent care and service which optimizes independence and quality of life Patients and residents are unique individuals with goals strengths and limitations rights and responsibilities who to the extent of their ability are empowered by freedom of choice to participate in decision making regarding their care

Compassionate competent knowledgeable staff
We believe that the unique and important contributions made by all staff and volunteers are essential to the provision of quality care and service Through provision of a supportive learning work environment we aim to promote staff competence effectiveness and knowledge

Excellence and Innovation in Care amp Service
We strive for excellence in care and innovation in programming We actualize this value through the provision of education and the promotion of research

Collaboration amp Team Work
We believe that through cooperation and collaboration individuals and teams achieve quality and innovation in care and service

Trust Honesty amp Integrity
We believe that these are the values that guide our interactions with our patients residents families employees and volunteers

Responsible Resource Management
Effective and efficient use of available resources ensures that the Centres tradition of providing excellence in care will be sustained from the present into the future

Recognition amp Celebration of Achievements
Recognition of the contributions of individuals to the achievements of the organization is a source of pride and pleasure Good work is celebrated


Riverview Health Centre is known for its ability to change with the times Over the years it has not only responded to the health care needs of the day but it has also anticipated the needs of the future The result was and continues to be ongoing development and updating of indispensable programs for Manitobans

The facility was founded in 1911 by the City of Winnipeg as the Winnipeg Municipal Hospital Two buildings the King Edward Memorial Hospital 1911 and the King George Hospital 1914 were considered at the time to be the most modern hospitals in the world for the care of people with communicable diseases such as typhoid fever diphtheria small pox and tuberculosis

Riverview gained international prominence for the services it provided to victims of poliomyelitis during a tragic epidemic in 1953 two years before the discovery of the Salk Vaccine Doctors and nurses at Riverview worked around the clock to care for both adults and children many of whom were confined to iron lungs A number of polio patients from that epidemic still live at the Centre today and proudly refer to Riverview as their home

As the incidence of infectious diseases started to decline Riverview turned its attention to providing long term care to an increasingly aging population Plans turned to action when in 1950 the Princess Elizabeth Hospital opened as the first long term care facility in Canada

By the 1960s the Centre specialized in the treatment of such diseases as arthritis multiple sclerosis muscular dystrophy cancer and postpoliomyelitis Even then its goal was modern in its realm to tailor the programs to the patient in order to restore and preserve the dignity happiness and physical independence of the individual

In 1983 the first purposebuilt day hospital was built The availability of this facilitys programs enables elderly people to remain living at home instead of being admitted to hospital

The facility became known as Riverview Health Centre in 1993 when it separated from the City of Winnipeg to be incorporated as a community hospital Then in 1995 construction began on a comprehensive renewal project which entailed the demolition of the turnofthecentury hospital buildings to make way for a new complex

Today Riverview Health Centre is a 388bed rehabilitation and long term care facility that offers progressive programming for patients and residents in both hospital and personal care home units Its redeveloped complex is one of the first of its kind to incorporate a residential design on an all encompassing scale The homelike nurturing space supports enhances and complements patients healing and care

Riverview Health Centre has maintained continuous accredited services since 1924 The Centre has accomplished this because those committed to its mission had the ability to adapt and change Past administrators were not only responsive to the health care needs of the day but they also anticipated and planned for the needs of the future

The legacy continues

The Archival Project
Archival material including photograph albums and publications dating from the early days of the facility until the present is currently being sorted and categorized for display in the Archives Room located in Room 436 of the Princess Elizabeth Building When it opens this room will be a valuable resource for film makers health professionals and members of the community who are working on historical projects

Historical Video
Interested individuals can purchase a historical video depicting the Centres history at Financial Services Level 2 Princess Elizabeth Building
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