Redwater Health Centre


Name :

Redwater Health Centre

Address  :

4812 – 58 Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T0A 2W0

Phone  :

780 942 3932

Web URL  :


The Redwater Health Centre is a 13bed acute care and 6 long term care bed facility located in Redwater 65 kilometers northeast of Edmonton It offers 24hour emergency services palliative care lab services respiratory services radiology nutritional counseling and a visiting optometrist office

Community services also located in the facility include home care public health rehabilitation mental health and environmental health services
BC First Nation plans private hospital

BCs Westbank First Nation is planning to build a 120million private hospital on its reserve in the Okanagan Chief Robert Louie says the 100bed facility would operate outside Canadas medicare system serving any patient willing to pay for private treatment Louie believes theres a large market of Canadians who are leaving the country for health ... Read More

Weight loss pills are no good

WASHINGTON Weight loss supplements are not really effective in helping you shed weight and may have unpleasant or serious sideeffects Melinda Manore from Oregon State University reviewing evidence surrounding hundreds of weight loss supplements concluded that no single product results in significant weight loss and many have sideeffects What peopl... Read More