Red Deer Valley Park Manor Care Centre


Name :

Red Deer Valley Park Manor Care Centre

Address  :

5505 - 60 Avenue

Town  :

Red Deer

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T4N 4W2

Phone  :

403 343 4722

Web URL  :

Not Available
North York General Hospital advances patient safety with health IT

General Hospital NYGH is leading an initiative that will help hospitals from across Canada implement technology that improves patient safety The project which received a 1 million investment from Canada Health Infoway Infoway will leverage the investments that NYGH has already made in creating over 350 electronic order sets covering medicine sur... Read More

The Lean Hospital

More facilities using Toyota methods to improve every step of care from inventory to discharge by Carol Berczuk What does being lean have to do with operating a hospital Well when youre talking about the lean method known as the Toyota Production System it just may be what puts hospitals back in the drivers seat of their bottom lines Six y... Read More