Public Health - Fox Creek

Name :

Public Health - Fox Creek

Address  :

600 Third Street
PO Box 990

Town  :

Fox Creek

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T0H 1P0

Phone  :

780 622 3545

Web URL  :

Not Available
Be careful in using new information about Canadian hospitals

Thousands of Canadians every day trust their health and in some cases their lives to this countrys hospitals These patients and their families deserve as much information as possible about the care they are likely to receive and the challenges they may encounter Such transparency is the essence of an open and accountable healthcare system but Can... Read More

When healthcare seeks help

Even as hospitals increasingly adopt cloud computing there are still a lot of hurdles in the way Dr Devi Shetty Chairman and MD Narayana HruduyalayaNH wants to change the dynamics of healthcare in India He is changing the dynamics of hospitals by setting up beds at the lowest cost in as little time as possible To facilitate this NH recently tied... Read More