Public Health Centre - Grande Prairie


Name :

Public Health Centre - Grande Prairie

Address  :

10320 - 99 Street
1st Floor Provincial Bld

Town  :

Grande Prairie

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T8V 6J4

Phone  :

780 513 7500

Fax  :

780 532 1550

Web URL  :

Hospitals turn to Internet to fight emergency room wait times

Patients who log on to the website for Calgarys hospitals are offered a surprising choice these days wait times for four emergency departments across the city posted automatically 247 in real time A hospital in the Southern Ontario city of Kitchener has just become the first in that province to launch its own enhanced version of the same idea am... Read More

Losing Weight Slowly and Steadily

At one time or another half the women and a quarter of the men in this country have tried to lose weight The ones destined to try again and again are most likely those looking for shortcuts There are none The only way to step off the diet treadmill is to find a weightloss program that helps you lose weight slowly and steadily one that trains you to... Read More