Pender Island Health Services

Name :

Pender Island Health Services

Address  :

5715 Canal Road

Town  :

Pender Island

State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V0N 2M0

Phone  :

250 629 3326

Fax  :

250 639 3234

Web URL  :


The Pender Islands Health Care Society PIHCS is a community nonprofit society which owns and operates the Pender Islands Health Centre The Society provides a number of health and social services directly and leases space and provides support to private health care practitioners and government agencies delivering services at the Health Centre

The affairs of the Society is governed by a Board of Directors 15 members which meet monthly and supervise control and direct activities and determine policies of the Society The Directors appoint a chief administrative officer for the operation of the Society who is known as the Executive Director

The Board of Directors meet on a monthly basis An Annual General meeting is held in the month of September where the nomination and election of Directors take place
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