Pembina Manitou Health Centre


Name :

Pembina Manitou Health Centre

Address  :

232 Carrie Street Box 129

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

R0G 1G0

Phone  :

204 242 2744

Fax  :

204 242 3062

Web URL  :

Pembina Manitou Health Centre


The Regional Health Authority Central Manitoba Inc is dedicated to providing health care services with integrity caring and excellence to approximately 108000 people of our Region

Central Region extends across approximately 17025 square kilometres of southcentral Manitoba It includes 37 municipalities 6 First Nations and 85 per cent of Manitobas total population making it the most populated rural health authority in Manitoba In Central Region where much of our population is involved in agriculture or industry we offer medical services as close to home as possible and provide care with the personal touch and the more relaxed pace typical of the country Central Region is often the largest employer in a town or rural area so our programs as well as our staff become an integral part of these communities

Our goal is to provide outstanding health care at a reasonable cost to our diverse communities An annual operating budget of 180 M funds over 100 health service programs and facilities Resources are maximized with innovative technologies such as telehealth services computerized health records and the latest in diagnostic tools at some sites

We value our programs and services but our most significant resources are more than 3700 highlyskilled employees and countless dedicated physicians and volunteers Directed by our Chief Executive Officer these people work with the integrity and caring that distinguishes all our programs and facilities
Hospital cleanliness under fire

ST THOMAS St ThomasElgin General Hospital president Paul Collins is apologetic after a former patient went public on national TV with claims his stay at STEGH was unsanitary You really wouldnt believe it unless youve seen it city resident Ken Hough said on the program broadcast this week Hough said he saw dirty bandages and needle covers l... Read More

Tips to keep kids safe at home

Every day in New Zealand an average of 22 children are admitted to hospital because of unintentional injuries or accidents For young children birth to 4 years old most of these injuries happen at home Media stories have reported on recent home injuries with serious and fatal consequences fires caused by kids playing with matches and lighters poi... Read More