Palmerston and District Hospital

Name :

Palmerston and District Hospital

Address  :

500 Whites Road
P.O. Box 130

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

N0G 2P0

Phone  :

519 343 2030

Fax  :

519 343 3821

Web URL  :

Palmerston and District Hospital


Palmerston and District Hospital Foundation will be recognized and respected as strong partners for the perpetuation of quality rural health care

Working with the North Wellington Health Care Corporation its staff
and the local community we will create a spirit of giving goodwill
and support for our hospital We will plan and implement events and programs
to raise funds for priority projects to keep quality health care close to home

a strong sense of community and rural spirit

our faithful individual donors and supportive businesses organizations and
local government

a cooperative working relationship with our doctors nurses and hospital

the effective stewardship of funds raised to support the ongoing advancement
of health care in our hospital


At the time of inception of the Foundation the Palmerston and District Hospital was very proud of its financial record of operating without a deficit The hospitals original Board of Governors decided to create a Foundation in order to secure the monies raised and support this fine tradition of sound fiscal management Thus the Palmerston and District Hospital Foundation was born in July 1988
CBCs dirty hospital report sparks changes

A CBC investigation into unsanitary conditions at the nations hospitals has sparked a change in policy by Canadas biggest health authority and a flood of email messages from concerned viewers With hidden cameras including Canadas first hidden camera glowgel test the consumer show Marketplace visited several hospitals in Ontario and British Colum... Read More

Concerns in UK over feeding tube diet

Dieticians have warned of the dangers of losing weight with a starvation diet available in Britain for the first time The British Dietetic Association BDA says there are huge risks to the diet in which people are given just 130 calories a day through a feeding tube that goes up their nose and down to their stomach The 10day regime forces the ... Read More