Our House - Addiction Recovery Centre

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Our House - Addiction Recovery Centre

Address  :

22210 Stony Plain Road

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T5S 2C3

Phone  :

780 474 8945

Fax  :

780 479 2271

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Our House  Addiction Recovery Centre


Our House Edmonton Ltd currently operates a 70bed residential facility for adult men addicted to alcohol or drugs including gambling We are no longer a halfway house rather we are a recovery centre offering extensive programming In addition to providing common basic human needs and a safe environment free from drugs and alcohol Alcoholics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous and Gamblers Anonymous meetings are held at the House weekly Programs are designed to deal with the physical spiritual and social self Volunteers play a very important role within the agency providing help in most areas These areas include fundraising food preparation recreation seminars and directing the agency via the Board of Directors Over 8000 hours were donated in 2006 Staff are on duty 24 hours per day to deliver program supervise activities ensure rules are enforced and followed prepare and serve meals and offer positive support direction and role modeling

Our House is an Addiction Recovery Centre whose sole purpose is to provide an environment where individuals with addictions can embark on a recovery process directed towards a meaningful productive lifestyle We fulfill our mission through

A residential program for men eighteen years and over

Recoverydirected programs for men and women and

Education initiatives in the community


Our House Edmonton Ltd is an Addiction Recovery Centre whose sole purpose is to provide an environment where individuals with addictions can embark on a recovery process directed towards a meaningful productive lifestyle It is a nonprofit Limited Company registered in Alberta under the companies act on April 10 1985 Our House is registered under the Income Tax Act as a charity

Our House started operations at 10826 98 St Edmonton in May 1984 as a result of the concerns of Parishioners of the Anglican Church of St Stephen the Martyr At that time the vicinity of the church was surrounded by alcoholics drug addicts and prostitutes Addicted people found the area to be a safe place to participate in their addictive behaviours A voluntary Board of Directors was formed from members of the Parish and other concerned citizens from the community An old house was rented to provide a dropin service to teenagers and operated on a volunteer basis only The concept was quotaddicts helping addictsquot The basement of this facility was later renovated to add bedrooms This allowed for short stays by young male and female addicts

Most of our referrals come from the two detox centres in Edmonton along with AADAC facilities throughout Alberta treatment centres across Canada hospitals correctional services word of mouth and other community resources
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