Northeast Community Health Centre (NECHC)

Name :

Northeast Community Health Centre (NECHC)

Address  :

14007 - 50 Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T5A 5E4

Phone  :

780 342 4000

Web URL  :


Opened in 1999 the Northeast Community Health Centre was planned with the community for the community As a result we have very strong connections with community health providers and support community health professionals as they meet the many health and social needs of area residents And because were part of the Capital Health system our connection to regional health services and hospitals makes it possible for us to meet all of our patients health needs

To ensure our clients get the best possible care we make sure each of our health professionals have the opportunity to offer as wide a range of services as possible The use of nurse practitioners and a system of electronic client records helps make patient care more efficient We meet the unique health needs of northeast Edmonton residents through partnerships with the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission AADAC the Alberta Mental Health Board and the Multicultural Health Brokers Cooperative

Because we want to maintain strong connections within the community we are always looking for new ways to share care with community family physicians or with particular types of clients such as frail seniors atrisk pregnant women the mentally ill children with asthma teenagers with highrisk life styles and newcomers to Canada
Surgery robot introduced at Ottawa Hospital

The Ottawa Hospital is welcoming the newest member of its surgical staff a robot that lets doctors remove mens prostates and repair faulty heart valves The hospital has already used the da Vinci Surgical System on 100 patients but only officially welcomed the robot on Friday quotWeve had great success with helping 100 prostate cancer and gyne... Read More

RTI forces RML hospital to adopt radiation safety measures

Countrys premier super speciality hospital Ram Manohar Lohia RML lacked radiation safety measures till an application under transparency law Right To Information RTI was filed Ghayshyam of east Delhi filed an innocous application in July 2011 asking RML whether it has taken measures to provide safety to patients against radiation from medica... Read More