Manitoba Regional Health Authorities


Name :

Manitoba Regional Health Authorities

Address  :

2-203 Duffield Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

R3J 0H6

Phone  :

204 833 1721

Fax  :

204 940 2042

Web URL  :


The Members of the Corporation consist of the eleven 11 Regional Health Authorities The Chairs or ViceChairs where designated represent their respective RHA at Members meetings

RHAM is governed by a board of directors appointed by the Members comprised of the CEOs from each of the RHAs

General Description
The Regional Health Authorities of Manitoba is a nonprofit organization that assists its members in improving the quality and delivery of Manitobas health services Providing members with support services and the legal ability to pursue joint initiatives fulfills this role

The organization provides a forum through which the Regional Health Authorities participate as a member in the Canadian Healthcare Association CHA The membership of CHA consists of similar organizations in all the provinces and territories

Currently the corporate organization has a staff of three

Mission Statement
The Regional Health Authorities Of Manitoba exist to foster the development of an efficient and effective interregional health care delivery system that meets the needs of all Manitoban
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