Lynn Lake Hospital


Name :

Lynn Lake Hospital

Address  :

PO Box 2030

Town  :

Lynn Lake

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

R0B 0W0

Phone  :

204 356 2474

Fax  :

204 356 8023

Web URL  :

Not Available
Kelownaarea First Nation plans hightech private hospital on band land

KELOWNA BC A British Columbia aboriginal band has plans to build a stateoftheart private hospital on its land overlooking Okanagan Lake just a stones throw from Kelowna BC Band Chief Robert Louie said in an interview with CHBC television that selfgovernment gives his band the right to build the hospital without provincial interference quotWell w... Read More

The Lean Hospital

More facilities using Toyota methods to improve every step of care from inventory to discharge by Carol Berczuk What does being lean have to do with operating a hospital Well when youre talking about the lean method known as the Toyota Production System it just may be what puts hospitals back in the drivers seat of their bottom lines Six y... Read More