Lennox and Addington County General Hosp


Name :

Lennox and Addington County General Hosp

Address  :

8 Richmond Park Drive

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

K7R 2Z4

Phone  :

613 354 3301

Fax  :

613 354 7157

Web URL  :


The Lennox and Addington County General Hospitals emphasis on General Medicine and General Surgery reflects its role in providing core services Specialists from Kingston regularly hold clinics at the hospital The range and scope of those clinics will expand as a result of the signed agreement with KGH

Emergency services operating 24 hours a day treats 24000 patients per year

The hospital currently operates 33 beds 25 active care and 8 chronic care This will increase to 52 beds pending approval of operating funding by the Ministry of Health The project includes a complex continuing care unit new operating rooms and a major expansion of the ambulatory clinic areas Emergency department and Diagnostic Imaging upgrades

The hospital offers a comprehensive range of diagnostic services supported by a well equipped laboratory and diagnostic imaging department

The Hospital employs approximately 200 staff Medical staff includes 10 family physicians a general surgeon and a radiologist along surgeons and consulting physicians from Kingston

Strong support from the community has enabled the Lennox and Addington County General Hospital to purchase new equipment and upgrade the physical plant in order to respond to the health care service needs of the Community it serves For example the hospital introduced a cataract surgery program as a means of reducing the waiting time for this procedure on the part of residents of the local community
Be careful in using new information about Canadian hospitals

Thousands of Canadians every day trust their health and in some cases their lives to this countrys hospitals These patients and their families deserve as much information as possible about the care they are likely to receive and the challenges they may encounter Such transparency is the essence of an open and accountable healthcare system but Can... Read More

Health Buzz Kids Increasingly Injured After Swallowing Button Batteries

More kids are landing in the emergency room after swallowing coinsized button batteries There were nearly 66000 batteryrelated hospital visits by children under 18 between 1990 and 2009 and the annual number more than doubled jumping from 2591 to 5525 Thats according to a new study published today in Pediatrics The situation is worst for children 5... Read More