Kensington Clinic


Name :

Kensington Clinic

Address  :

2431 - 5th Avenue N.W

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

T2N 0T3

Phone  :

403 283 9117

Fax  :

403 283 9139

Web URL  :

Email  :


Who We Are
Kensington Clinic is an accredited free standing clinic providing surgical and medical abortion services up to the 20th week of pregnancy Established in 1991 the clinic provides a private safe and secure environment in comfortable surroundings You will be treated with respect understanding and expert care Confidentiality is guaranteed and a referral from your doctor is not required

Services at Kensington Clinic are funded by Alberta Health and Wellness and the Calgary Health Region The clinic is accredited by the Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons and the National Abortion Federation
Transplanting lungs from smokers worthwhile

Lung transplant patients who receive the organs from smokers have better chances of survival than those who stay on waiting lists a British study suggests Nearly 40 per cent of the lungs that are available for transplant including those in Canada are from smokers Rejection of this donororgan resource would increase waitinglist mortality and i... Read More

Third of diabetic patients are victims of medication errors that can cause dangerous blood glucose l

Almost one in three diabetic hospital patients are victims of medication errors that can cause dangerous blood glucose levels a report has found Hospitals in England and Wales made at least one mistake per inpatient in the treatment of 3700 diabetes sufferers in one week data showed During this period the affected patients succumbed to more than ... Read More