Institut de readaptation de Montreal


Name :

Institut de readaptation de Montreal

Address  :

6300, Avenue Darlington

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Post Code:

H3S 2J4

Phone  :

514 340 2085

Fax  :

514 340 2091

Web URL  :


The Institut de reacuteadaptation GingrasLindsaydeMontreacuteal is the result of the 2008 merger of the Institut de reacuteadaptation de Montreacuteal and of the Lindsay Rehabilitation Hospital

Institut de reacuteadaptation de Montreacuteal

1949Foundation under the auspices of Rotary International and the Socieacuteteacute pour la reacutehabilitation des infirmes

1954 The establishment adopts the name of Institut de reacutehabilitation de Montreacuteal

1957 Opening of a laboratory for the fabrication and fitting of orthotics and prosthetics Within the first year a student training program is begun

1962 The Institut moves to Darlington Avenue in a new building with 110 beds on three floors and an outpatient clinic

1972 The Institut is formally affiliated with the Universiteacute de Montreacuteal

1976 The name Institut de reacuteadaptation de Montreacuteal is officially adopted
Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario Comments on New Strategy From the Mental Health Commission of

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Support Groups A Lifeline for People in the Early Stages of Alzheimers Disease

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