Hospice Huntsville

Name :

Hospice Huntsville

Address  :

100 Frank Miller Drive
Unit 3

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

P1H 1H7

Phone  :

705 789 6878

Fax  :

705 789 0073

Web URL  :


About Hospice Huntsville
Who we are
Hospice Huntsville is a proactive group of caring individuals that include

42 Professionally trained visiting volunteers provide our clients with
compassionate care and support

Executive Director who is responsible for Hospice Huntsville operations

Program Coordinator who is responsible for the management and training of
our volunteers

Administrative Assistant providing support to the Board of Directors
Executive Director and the day to day office administration

12 Board Members who guide and support the operations of Hospice Huntsville

Numerous nonvisiting nonboard member volunteers who raise awareness in the
community fundraise and sit on various committees

Our Mission Statement
To guide the provision of consistent comprehensive and compassionate end of life care that is readily accessible to individuals families and caregivers in the setting of their choice throughout the greater Huntsville area
North York General Hospital advances patient safety with health IT

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Do hospitals alone provide genuine healthcare

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