Hawthorne Care Centre

Name :

Hawthorne Care Centre

Address  :

2111 Hawthorne Avenue

Town  :

Port Coquitlam

State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V3C 1W3

Phone  :

604 941 4051

Fax  :

604 941 5829

Web URL  :

Hawthorne Care Centre


Hawthornes Mission
Our mission is to provide our clients with choices and the highest quality care that support and promote mental physical emotional social and spiritual needs through the effective use of our resources in a progressive vibrant and welcoming environment

Hawthornes Vision
Together we provide progressive quality care in a warm and supportive client centered community

Our Values
We Believe
All people should be treated with respect compassion and dignity

In recognizing the differences of all people and being responsive to their
changing needs

In involving people in the decisions that affect them

Open and direct communication is everyones responsibility

In continually improving our programs and services to better meet the needs
of the community

In the responsible use of our resources


Port Coquitlam Senior Citizens Housing Society registered as a non profit society in 1958 The founding members came from concerned volunteers within the community individuals sharing a strong vision of providing affordable housing for seniors with limited incomes The Societys mandate was to develop and operate low income housing sites Since that time the following housing units have been developed

1960 Dogwood Manor 12 suites

1965 Dogwood Manor 10 additional suites

1970 Hawthorne Manor 22 suites

1972 Hawthorne Manor 10 additional suites

2001 Dogwood Place 31 suites

2004 Dogwood Manor Expansion 24 suites replacement for Hawthorne Manor

In 1970 the Societys mandate was expanded to include the construction and operation of a long term care facility

1973 Hawthorne Lodge 166 bed six story long term care facility

1989 Hawthorne Lodge Activity Centre

1994 Hawthorne Seniors Care Community Extended Care Unit 75 additional beds

January 2006 Hawthorne Cottages 56 beds

February 2007 Hawthorne Seniors Care Community Assisted Living 70 Suites
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Early antibiotics for blood poisoning could save thousands of lives doctor says

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