Hôpital de Réhabilitation Villa Medica


Name :

Hôpital de Réhabilitation Villa Medica

Address  :

225 Sherbrooke Street East

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State  :


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Post Code:

H2X 1C9

Phone  :

514 288 8201

Web URL  :

Not Available


Villa Medica is a rehabilitation facility for adults Our program there started in January 2003 It was agreed that our pilot project would focus primarily on amputees Usually between the ages of 45 and 80 these patients have undergone amputations as a result of their diabetes Amputees often feel depressed when faced with the significant change in lifestyle brought about by their amputation Clowns help to reach out to them by being out of place themselves in the hospital through their clumsiness and incapacities They go from room to room encouraging patients to accept their amputation to become comfortable with their prostheses and to interact with others Sometimes the clowns are asked to accompany patients during physiotherapy or occupational therapy to encourage them to try harder Our clowns also visit patients in the orthopedic surgery and burn units and sometimes those suffering from aphasia
Transplanting lungs from smokers worthwhile

Lung transplant patients who receive the organs from smokers have better chances of survival than those who stay on waiting lists a British study suggests Nearly 40 per cent of the lungs that are available for transplant including those in Canada are from smokers Rejection of this donororgan resource would increase waitinglist mortality and i... Read More

We thought it was just stress burnout

He wasnt remembering deadlines and appointments at work He was also making a lot of mistakes At home he was totally exhausted He would just tune out read the newspaper watch television and not talk very much Nona says quotWe thought it was just stress burnoutquot But Mike was actually showing signs of memory loss difficulty performing tasks m... Read More