Grandview District Hospital


Name :

Grandview District Hospital

Address  :

PO Box 339

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Post Code:

R0L 0Y0

Phone  :

204 546 2425

Fax  :

204 546 3269

Web URL  :

Not Available

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Transplanting lungs from smokers worthwhile

Lung transplant patients who receive the organs from smokers have better chances of survival than those who stay on waiting lists a British study suggests Nearly 40 per cent of the lungs that are available for transplant including those in Canada are from smokers Rejection of this donororgan resource would increase waitinglist mortality and i... Read More

Write all prescriptions in capital letters Mumbai citizens tell doctors

MUMBAI It turns out that all those jokes about doctors scrawl are not funny at all Doctors illegible handwriting causes 7000 deaths in the US every year and another 15 million Americans report minor adverse reactionsbe it diarrhoea or rashesor even death Now a movement has begun in Mumbai asking the medical fraternity to write prescriptions i... Read More